Acronym | Definition |
OFE | Oilfield Equipment |
OFE | Opportunities for Employment (professional development agency; Canada) |
OFE | Office of Film and Entertainment (Florida) |
OFE | Office of Fossil Energy |
OFE | Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny (Polish) |
OFE | Otwartego Funduszu Emerytalnego (Polish: Pension Fund) |
OFE | On-site Field Engineer |
OFE | Office of Financial Empowerment (various locations) |
OFE | Open Financial Exchange |
OFE | Omron Field Engineering Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
OFE | Owner Furnished Equipment (system integrator bids) |
OFE | Openforum Europe |
OFE | Overflow Enable |
OFE | Odds For Effectiveness (estimated odds for recruit to make it through 1st year of active service) |
OFE | Opportunities for Error |
OFE | Overall Factory Efficiency |
OFE | Order For Engagement |
OFE | Oxygen Free Electronic (copper grade) |
OFE | Oil Filtering Equipment |
OFE | Osteolysis, Familial Expansile |
OFE | Optical Front End |
OFE | Overland Flow Element (soil erosion) |
OFE | Ohio Fire Executive |
OFE | Other Financial Expenses (finance) |
OFE | Ohm Force Experience (band) |
OFE | Operation Fire Eagle (band) |
OFE | Other Films Expeditions (film production company) |