Acronym | Definition |
MSA | Medical Savings Account (from IRS Form 5329) |
MSA | Metropolitan Statistical Area |
MSA | Master of Science In Administration |
MSA | Measurement Systems Analysis |
MSA | Muslim Students Association |
MSA | Master Settlement Agreement (tobacco settlement) |
MSA | Muslim Student Association |
MSA | Maryland School Assessment |
MSA | Metropolitan Statistical Area (geographical region) |
MSA | Management Science Associates, Inc (Pittsburgh, PA) |
MSA | Multiple Sequence Alignment |
MSA | Microscopy Society of America |
MSA | Multiple System Atrophy (aka Shy-Drager Syndrome) |
MSA | Mutualité Sociale Agricole (French: Agricultural Mutual Assistance Association) |
MSA | Motor Sports Association (UK) |
MSA | Modern Standard Arabic |
MSA | Milestone A (US DoD) |
MSA | Maryland State Archives |
MSA | Middle States Association |
MSA | Microsoft Access |
MSA | Master of Science in Anesthesia (various schools) |
MSA | Museum Store Association |
MSA | Mine Safety Appliances Company |
MSA | Master of Science in Accounting (degree) |
MSA | Multiple Sclerosis Association (various locations) |
MSA | Master Services Agreement (consulting) |
MSA | Mineralogical Society of America |
MSA | Measurement System Analysis |
MSA | Ministry of Social Affairs (United Arab Emirates) |
MSA | Medicare Set Aside |
MSA | Maritime Safety Authority (New Zealand) |
MSA | Mission Support Area (US NASA) |
MSA | Magnet Schools of America (Texas) |
MSA | Modern Slavery Act (UK) |
MSA | Municipal Systems Act (South Africa) |
MSA | Merchant Shipping Act |
MSA | Missouri Students Association |
MSA | Market Square Arena |
MSA | Math and Science Academy |
MSA | Microsoft Software Advisory |
MSA | Microsoft Security Advisory |
MSA | Multi Source Agreement |
MSA | Microsoft Master Services Agreement |
MSA | Mobility Solution Architecture |
MSA | Modular Smart Array |
MSA | Mcafee Site Advisor |
MSA | My Secondary Address |
MSA | Modular Storage Array |
MSA | Microsoft Select Agreement |
MSA | Memory Stick Adapter |
MSA | Meritorious Service Award (Masons) |
MSA | Manufacturing and Supply Agreement |
MSA | Motorway Service Area (UK) |
MSA | Archer Medical Savings Account |
MSA | Malta Standards Authority |
MSA | Manchester School of Architecture |
MSA | Methane Sulfonic Acid |
MSA | Middle Stone Age |
MSA | Mediated Settlement Agreement |
MSA | Multi-Service Access |
MSA | Multisource Agreement |
MSA | Molecular Surface Area |
MSA | Marital Settlement Agreement |
MSA | Minnesota State Academy (disability schools) |
MSA | Micro Signal Architecture (computer programming) |
MSA | Minnesota Student Association (University of Minnesota) |
MSA | Minimum Safe Altitude |
MSA | Maryland State Assessment |
MSA | Masonic Service Association |
MSA | Medical Services of America (Lexington, SC) |
MSA | Medical Staff Association (various locations) |
MSA | Maryland Stadium Authority (Maryland) |
MSA | Minimum Surface Area |
MSA | Modular SAN Array (HP) |
MSA | Microsoft Systems Architecture |
MSA | Maritime Safety Agency (Japan) |
MSA | Mustard Seed Associates |
MSA | Royal Automobile Club Motor Sports Association (was RACMSA) |
MSA | Metropolitan Service Area |
MSA | Maine Snowmobile Association |
MSA | Major System(s) Acquisition |
MSA | Multivariate Statistical Analysis |
MSA | Musicological Society of Australia (est. 1963) |
MSA | Member State Administration |
MSA | Management Support Agency (various locations) |
MSA | Most Severely Affected |
MSA | Mobile Satellite Antenna (communications) |
MSA | Most Significant Accomplishment (job applicant interview question) |
MSA | Mental Status Assessment |
MSA | Mediterranean Studies Association (Massachusetts) |
MSA | Mason Street Advisors (Northwestern Mutual) |
MSA | Minimum Sector Altitude |
MSA | Mouvement Souveraineté-Association (Organisation for Quebec Independence; Canada) |
MSA | Marine Safety Agency |
MSA | Metro Survey Area |
MSA | Missouri Scholars Academy |
MSA | Marketing Services Administrator (various companies) |
MSA | Mobile Security Association (mobile networking) |
MSA | Maritime Surveillance Aircraft |
MSA | Modeling, Simulation & Analysis (various organizations) |
MSA | Method of Successive Averages |
MSA | Moshe Safdie and Associates (various locations) |
MSA | Mansfield Soccer Association (Texas) |
MSA | Most Seriously Affected |
MSA | Master Senior Appraiser (certification) |
MSA | Malaysian Scientific Association |
MSA | Maintenance Service Agreement |
MSA | Methanesulphonate |
MSA | Maritime Situational Awareness (NATO) |
MSA | Moldflow Structural Alliance (software) |
MSA | Melanie & the Secret Army (band) |
MSA | Munitions Storage Area (US DoD) |
MSA | Multilateral Steel Agreement |
MSA | Muslim Scholars Association |
MSA | Market Service Area |
MSA | Merit Salary Adjustment |
MSA | Microstrip Patch Antenna |
MSA | Melissa Sue Anderson (actress) |
MSA | Management System Audit |
MSA | Method of Standard Addition |
MSA | Modern Sciences and Arts University (Egypt) |
MSA | Medical Services Account |
MSA | Member Services Area |
MSA | Mission Staff Assistant |
MSA | Maritime Security Act of 1996 |
MSA | Marin School of the Arts (Novato High School; Novato, CA) |
MSA | Mastery of Scottish Arts (Bellevue, WA) |
MSA | Michigan Skeet Association (est. 1965) |
MSA | Managed Service Account (Microsoft) |
MSA | Midwest Sunbathing Association (AANR region) |
MSA | Market Square Architects (various locations) |
MSA | Mid-Stage Assessment (UK project management) |
MSA | Microsoft Student Ambassador |
MSA | Missouri Society of Anesthesiologists |
MSA | Marvin Shaffer & Associates Ltd. (Canada) |
MSA | Million Standard Axles (transportation engineering) |
MSA | Minnesota Stroke Association |
MSA | Management Science of America |
MSA | Master Sales Agreement |
MSA | Maximum Size Aggregate |
MSA | Minnesota Software Association |
MSA | Micro-Strip Antenna |
MSA | Management Systems Architecture |
MSA | Microgravity Science and Applications |
MSA | Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (religious order) |
MSA | Monash Student Association (Clayton) Inc (Australia) |
MSA | Minnesota Society of Anesthesiologists |
MSA | Morale Support Activities |
MSA | Meat Sheep Alliance of Florida (Lake City, Florida) |
MSA | Motorcycle Safety and Awareness (various locations) |
MSA | Monang Sianipar Abadi (Indonesia freight company) |
MSA | Manitoba Sheep Association, Inc (Manitoba, Canada) |
MSA | Minimum Standard for Accreditation |
MSA | Mobile Service Agent |
MSA | Mine Safety Agency |
MSA | Missile Storage Area |
MSA | Mark Space Amplitude (electronics) |
MSA | Maximum Security Area |
MSA | Masters of Spatial Analysis |
MSA | Municipal Services Association (British Columbia) |
MSA | Makeshift Apathy |
MSA | Master Stock Assortment |
MSA | Midwest Sign Association (Batavia, OH) |
MSA | Michigan Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. |
MSA | Montana Stockgrowers Association |
MSA | Married Student Association (LDS church) |
MSA | Mississippi Society of Anesthesiologists |
MSA | Multiple Scatterer Algorithm |
MSA | Manufacturing Service Agreement |
MSA | Modular System Approach |
MSA | Maritime SIGINT Architecture |
MSA | Multiuse Solar Array |
MSA | Michigan Sheriff Association |
MSA | Mean-Square Average |
MSA | Molloy Software Associates |
MSA | Mohair Council of America (San Angelo, Texas) |
MSA | Mission Specific Application |
MSA | Main Support Area |
MSA | Mission Support Aircraft |
MSA | Mobile Subscriber Access |
MSA | Manpower Standard Application |
MSA | Multi-dimensional Systolic Array |
MSA | Manpower Standard Application (Army) |
MSA | My Sainted Aunt (TV series) |
MSA | Managed Services Architecture |
MSA | Molino Santa Ana (Guatemala) |
MSA | Meander-Sleeve Antenna |
MSA | Monthandler-Sammenslutningen (Karup, Denmark) |
MSA | Mission Support Analyst |
MSA | Membrane Stabilizing Action (pharmacology) |
MSA | Memory Subassembly |
MSA | Military Satellite Communications Architecture |
MSA | Maslov, Sokur and Associates |
MSA | Multisample Analysis |
MSA | Measure of Sampling Accuracy |
MSA | Materials Support Activity |
MSA | Management Security Administrator |
MSA | Major Support Area |
MSA | Mono-Slot Antenna |
MSA | Market Section Audiences |
MSA | Missionary Sisters of Ajmeer |
MSA | Mantenimiento y Servicios de Arquitectura (Spanish: Maintenance and Architectural Services; Guatemala) |