Acronym | Definition |
MSAT | Master of Science in Athletic Training (various schools) |
MSAT | Mobile Satellite |
MSAT | Mobile Source Air Toxics |
MSAT | Microsoft Security Assessment Tool |
MSAT | Master of Science in Accounting and Taxation (various schools) |
MSAT | Multiple Subjects Assessment for Teachers |
MSAT | Master of Science in Applied Technology (various schools) |
MSAT | Medical School Admissions Test |
MSAT | Marin School of Arts and Technology |
MSAT | Multi-Sectoral Action Team (Cape Town, South Africa) |
MSAT | Medicare Set-Aside Trust (health law) |
MSAT | Medical Situational Awareness in the Theater (US Department of Defense) |
MSAT | Multi-Purpose Supporting Arms Trainer |
MSAT | Multi-Station Assessment Tasks (Australia) |
MSAT | Municipal Systems Action Team (Connecticut) |
MSAT | Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education |
MSAT | Minnesota Scholastic Aptitude Test |
MSAT | Managerial Self-Assessment Tool |
MSAT | Multi-Sensor Aided Targeting |
MSAT | Masonic Student Assistance Training (New York) |
MSAT | Multi Sensor Aerial Triangulation |
MSAT | Multi-Sensor Acquisition and Targeting |
MSAT | Modified Sequential Acquisition Technique |
MSAT | Mobile System Analysis Tool |
MSAT | Maintenance Support Analysis Team |
MSAT | Manufacturing Sciences and Technology |
MSAT | Mandatory Sit Around Time |