Acronym | Definition |
NMI | No Middle Initial |
NMI | NSF (National Science Foundation) Middleware Initiative |
NMI | Nautical Mile |
NMI | Nissan Motor Indonesia |
NMI | Nova Measuring Instruments (various locations) |
NMI | Non-Maskable Interrupt |
NMI | Northern Mariana Islands |
NMI | National Measurement Institute (Australia) |
NMI | Natural Marketing Institute |
NMI | Nederlands Mediation Instituut (Dutch: Dutch Mediation Institute) |
NMI | Network Management Interface |
NMI | Need More Info |
NMI | Nazarene Missions International (Church of the Nazarene) |
NMI | Novo Millennio Ineunte (apostolic letter; Catholic Church) |
NMI | Non-Manufacturing Index (statistic) |
NMI | Native Method Interface |
NMI | New Message Indication |
NMI | New Model Introduction |
NMI | Non Maskable Interrupt |
NMI | Network Merchants, Inc. (payment gateway) |
NMI | Needle Magic, Inc. (stitching) |
NMI | New Media Institute (various organizations) |
NMI | Norwegian Meteorological Institute (Norway) |
NMI | Net Monthly Income |
NMI | National Metering Identifier (Australia) |
NMI | Nuclear Medicine Imaging |
NMI | National Museum of Iran (Tehran, Iran) |
NMI | National Microelectronics Institute (UK) |
NMI | Nordafrika Mittelost Initiative (German: North Africa Middle East Initiative) |
NMI | National Military Intelligence |
NMI | Normalized Mutual Information |
NMI | National Monuments and Icons |
NMI | Nuclear Medicine Institute (University of Findlay; Findlay, OH) |
NMI | NASA Management Instruction |
NMI | Neuro-Muscular Incapacitation |
NMI | National Maglev Initiative |
NMI | New Mexico Independent (news network) |
NMI | Nasyid Minggu Ini (Malaysian: Nasyid Award Week) |
NMI | Near Miss Incident |
NMI | Non-Medicinal Ingredient |
NMI | Number of Module Instances |
NMI | NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. (NovaStar Financial, Inc.) |
NMI | Native Method Interface (computing) |
NMI | N-Methylimidazole |
NMI | National Meteorology Institute |
NMI | Non Metallic Inclusions (steel industry) |
NMI | National Maritime Institute |
NMI | No Malice Intended (band) |
NMI | Number of Methods Inherited |
NMI | New Monastic Individual |
NMI | Normalized Moment of Inertia |
NMI | Neuromagnetic Imaging |
NMI | No Message Included (used in subject of message to indicate nothing is in the body of the message) |
NMI | Non-Major Item |
NMI | Norwest Mortgage Incorporated |