NMINo Middle Initial
NMINSF (National Science Foundation) Middleware Initiative
NMINautical Mile
NMINissan Motor Indonesia
NMINova Measuring Instruments (various locations)
NMINon-Maskable Interrupt
NMINorthern Mariana Islands
NMINational Measurement Institute (Australia)
NMINatural Marketing Institute
NMINederlands Mediation Instituut (Dutch: Dutch Mediation Institute)
NMINetwork Management Interface
NMINeed More Info
NMINazarene Missions International (Church of the Nazarene)
NMINovo Millennio Ineunte (apostolic letter; Catholic Church)
NMINon-Manufacturing Index (statistic)
NMINative Method Interface
NMINew Message Indication
NMINew Model Introduction
NMINon Maskable Interrupt
NMINetwork Merchants, Inc. (payment gateway)
NMINeedle Magic, Inc. (stitching)
NMINew Media Institute (various organizations)
NMINorwegian Meteorological Institute (Norway)
NMINet Monthly Income
NMINational Metering Identifier (Australia)
NMINuclear Medicine Imaging
NMINational Museum of Iran (Tehran, Iran)
NMINational Microelectronics Institute (UK)
NMINordafrika Mittelost Initiative (German: North Africa Middle East Initiative)
NMINational Military Intelligence
NMINormalized Mutual Information
NMINational Monuments and Icons
NMINuclear Medicine Institute (University of Findlay; Findlay, OH)
NMINASA Management Instruction
NMINeuro-Muscular Incapacitation
NMINational Maglev Initiative
NMINew Mexico Independent (news network)
NMINasyid Minggu Ini (Malaysian: Nasyid Award Week)
NMINear Miss Incident
NMINon-Medicinal Ingredient
NMINumber of Module Instances
NMINovaStar Mortgage, Inc. (NovaStar Financial, Inc.)
NMINative Method Interface (computing)
NMINational Meteorology Institute
NMINon Metallic Inclusions (steel industry)
NMINational Maritime Institute
NMINo Malice Intended (band)
NMINumber of Methods Inherited
NMINew Monastic Individual
NMINormalized Moment of Inertia
NMINeuromagnetic Imaging
NMINo Message Included (used in subject of message to indicate nothing is in the body of the message)
NMINon-Major Item
NMINorwest Mortgage Incorporated