Acronym | Definition |
MSC | Master of Science (degree) |
MSC | Marine Stewardship Council |
MSC | Maritime Safety Committee (IMO) |
MSC | Memorial Student Center |
MSC | Mathematics Subject Classification |
MSC | Mobile Switching Center |
MSC | Master of Science in Communication (various schools) |
MSC | Multimedia Super Corridor (Cyberjaya, Malaysia) |
MSC | Medical Supply Company |
MSC | Military Sealift Command |
MSC | Marshall Spaceflight Center (US NASA) |
MSC | Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (religious order) |
MSC | Map Service Center |
MSC | Mass Storage Class (Universal Serial Bus protocol) |
MSC | Major Subordinate Command |
MSC | Mid-South Conference (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) |
MSC | Mesenchymal Stem Cell |
MSC | Motor Sport Club (various locations) |
MSC | Multiprocessor Systems on Chip |
MSC | MacEwan Student Centre (University of Calgary; Calgary, Canada) |
MSC | Modern Steel Construction (AISC magazine) |
MSC | Morrisville State College (New York) |
MSC | Math-Science-Computer (various organizations) |
MSC | Movimiento Scout Catolico (Spanish: Catholic Scout Movement) |
MSC | Mario Strikers Charged (sports video game) |
MSC | Maria Sklodowska Curie (scientist) |
MSC | Marketing Supply Chain |
MSC | Manned Spacecraft Center (currently Johnson Space Center) |
MSC | Medical Service Corps |
MSC | Message Sequence Chart |
MSC | Managed Service Company (business structure; UK) |
MSC | Mohammedan Sporting Club (Bangladesh) |
MSC | Medical Services Committee (various organizations) |
MSC | Management Services Center |
MSC | Michigan State Council (various organizations) |
MSC | Meteorological Satellite Center (Japan Meteorological Agency) |
MSC | Mercenaries Saga Chronicles (gaming) |
MSC | Michael Schumacher (automobile race driver) |
MSC | Middle School Central (various schools) |
MSC | Multi-Species Conservation (various organizations) |
MSC | Microsoft C |
MSC | Microsoft Common Console |
MSC | Magnetic Stripe Card |
MSC | Maximum Speed Control |
MSC | Mobile Switching Centre |
MSC | Message Sequence Charts |
MSC | Most Significant Character |
MSC | Microsoft Client |
MSC | Mass Storage Class |
MSC | Meyerson Symphony Center (Dallas, TX) |
MSC | Minnesota Safety Council (est. 1928) |
MSC | Meteorological Service of Canada |
MSC | Mobile Switching Centre (BT) |
MSC | Menno Simons College (Canada) |
MSC | Minera Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, CA) |
MSC | Member Service Center |
MSC | Most Significant Change (participatory impact monitoring technique) |
MSC | IEEE Multi Conference on Systems and Control |
MSC | Mutuelle Saint-Christophe (French insurance company) |
MSC | Microscan |
MSC | Ministerial Steering Committee (various organizations) |
MSC | Major Subordinate Commands |
MSC | Motorcycle Safety Course (various organizations) |
MSC | Mobile Services Switching Center |
MSC | Management Standards Centre (UK) |
MSC | Millennium Student Center (University of Missouri, St. Louis) |
MSC | Matière et Systèmes Complexes (French) |
MSC | Maryland Science Center |
MSC | Marine Science Center (of Northeastern University; Nahant, MA) |
MSC | Message Service Center |
MSC | Marrow Stromal Cell (biology) |
MSC | Maricopa Skill Center (Phoenix, Arizona community college system) |
MSC | Maroochy Shire Council (Australia) |
MSC | Medical Staffing Consultants (various locations) |
MSC | Mechanically Separated Chicken (food processing) |
MSC | Mendenhall Student Center (East Carolina University; North Carolina) |
MSC | Marine Safety Center (US Coast Guard) |
MSC | MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation |
MSC | Mahila Samanwaya Committee (West Bengal) |
MSC | Malaysian Securities Commission (est. 1993) |
MSC | Mass Storage Controller |
MSC | Microsoft Compiler |
MSC | Military Science Course (various universities) |
MSC | Mandatory Settlement Conference (Civil Tort Cases) |
MSC | Magadi Soda Company (Magadi, Kenya) |
MSC | Microsoft Configuration (file extension) |
MSC | Main Service Channel |
MSC | Magnetic Search Coil |
MSC | Mail Stop Code |
MSC | Military Staff Committee (United Nations) |
MSC | Marine Safety Committee |
MSC | Moore Stephens Consulting (various locations) |
MSC | Mediterranean Shipping Company SA (container shipping line) |
MSC | Mediterranean Shipping Cruise |
MSC | Medicaid Service Coordination |
MSC | MIDI Show Control |
MSC | Meteorological Synthesizing Centre |
MSC | Monthly Service Charge(s) |
MSC | Meritorious Service Cross (Canadian naval decoration) |
MSC | Merchant Service Charge |
MSC | Montana State College (Bozeman, MT) |
MSC | Maritime Security Council |
MSC | Motor Side Converter |
MSC | Medical Students for Choice |
MSC | Mechanical Speed Control |
MSC | Massachsetts Software Council |
MSC | Mathematics Support Center (Cornell University) |
MSC | Manufacturing Sciences Corporation (Oak Ridge, TN) |
MSC | Mesoscale Convective System (meteorology) |
MSC | Metric Standard Conditions (gas industry) |
MSC | Mass Storage Compliant |
MSC | Microcomputers Systems Components (Germany) |
MSC | Murrysville Swim Club (Murrysville, PA) |
MSC | Mission Support Contract (cilivan support) |
MSC | Marine Safety Council |
MSC | Michigan Sugar Company (Saginaw, Michigan, USA) |
MSC | Many Small Children |
MSC | Master Sequence Controller (US NASA) |
MSC | Mission Support Center |
MSC | Mount St. Clare College |
MSC | Multiprotocol Session Controller |
MSC | Mulch and Soil Council |
MSC | Minority Supplier Council |
MSC | Mississippi Central Railroad |
MSC | Management Systems Corporation |
MSC | Management Saved Console (Microsoft file extension) |
MSC | Mesa Soccer Club (Arizona) |
MSC | Microprocessor Standards Committee (IEEE) |
MSC | Marine Studies Consortium |
MSC | Moved, Seconded, and Carried |
MSC | Major Support Command |
MSC | Model Schools Conference |
MSC | Malaysia Super Corridor |
MSC | Muswellbrook Shire Council (Australia) |
MSC | Multiservice Concentrator (Motorola) |
MSC | Maintenance Support Center |
MSC | Mechanically Short Crack |
MSC | Medium-Specific Concentration |
MSC | Mobile Servicing Center |
MSC | Marine Science Consortium, Inc. |
MSC | Mackenzie Sports Club |
MSC | Medical Survival Consultants (North Dartmouth, MA) |
MSC | Management Sectional Center |
MSC | Maintenance of Service Charge |
MSC | Minnesota Soaring Club (aviation) |
MSC | Movimiento de Seglares Claretianos (Lay Clareton Movement) |
MSC | Material Service Center |
MSC | Multiple System Coupling (IBM) |
MSC | Materials Simulation Center (Pennsylvania State University) |
MSC | Media Services Center |
MSC | Mastering Skills and Concepts (various organizations) |
MSC | Mathematics and Science Consortium |
MSC | Montreal Subaru Club |
MSC | Material Support Center |
MSC | Market Sales Coordinator |
MSC | Memphis Service Center |
MSC | Mobile Satellite Channel |
MSC | Medical Support Center |
MSC | Multicast for Small Conferences |
MSC | MiCTA Service Corporation |
MSC | Materiel Support Command |
MSC | Main System Controller |
MSC | Mammography Screening Center |
MSC | Management Service Control (Sprint) |
MSC | Microsoft Saved Console |
MSC | Mission Systems Contract |
MSC | Maroondah Secondary College (Australia) |
MSC | Military Shipping Container |
MSC | Moorestown Soccer Club |
MSC | Mechanical Systems Center |
MSC | Metropolitan Spinal Clinic (Ringwood, Victoria, Australia) |
MSC | Malay Speaking Circle |
MSC | Materiel Status Committee |
MSC | Multi-Mode Source Controlled |
MSC | Modified Spherical Coordinates |
MSC | Maritime Sector Commander |
MSC | Minnesota Sportfishing Congress |
MSC | Motion Seconded and Carried (meeting minutes) |
MSC | Milestone Schedule Chart |
MSC | Material Safety Code |
MSC | Minimum Service Commitment (Sprint) |
MSC | Miscellaneous System Controller |
MSC | Maersk and Mediterranean Shipping Company |
MSC | Master Solver's Club (Bridge card game) |
MSC | Miramonte Swim Club (California) |
MSC | Multiple Successive Correction |
MSC | Medium Speed Channel |
MSC | Multiservice Connect |
MSC | Master Specification Catalogue (US Navy) |
MSC | Management Services Consultants LLC |
MSC | meningioma of region sinus cavernous |
MSC | Maritime Surveillance Capability |
MSC | Mode Select Circuitry |
MSC | Major Systems Command |
MSC | Many Signals Communications (Hiawatha, KS) |
MSC | Minimal Subset Cut |
MSC | Minesweeping, Coastal |
MSC | Martin-Stewart Contracting Ltd. |
MSC | Merchant Ship Characteristic |
MSC | Multi-Staged Combustion |
MSC | Manual Steering Column (Star Trek) |
MSC | Montgomery Support Center |
MSC | Media Simulated Calling |