NILNotice of Intent to Levy (law)
NILNext in Line
NILNaczelna Izba Lekarska (Polish: National Physicians Council)
NILNanoparticle Information Library (NIOSH)
NILNational Imagery Library
NILNano Imprint Lithography
NILNetwork Innovation Laboratories
NILNorton Icon Library
NILnot in List
NILNano-Imprint Lithography
NILNear-Isogenic Line
NILNot in List (Pascal programming language)
NILNational Institute for Literacy
NILNetzwerk für Improvisation Leipzig (German: Network for Improvisation Leipzig)
NILNational Information Library
NILNothing in Line
NILNational Imagery Library (NIMA)
NILNetwork Innovation Laboratories (NTT)
NILNuclear Induced Lightning
NILNetwork Intelligent Link