NIMNet Interest Margin
NIMNetwork Interface Module
NIMNetwork Installation Management
NIMNetwork Integrated Merging
NIMNetwork Install Manager
NIMNovell Identity Manager
NIMNational Institute of Marriage (Missouri)
NIMNuclear Instruments and Methods (journal)
NIMNerve Integrity Monitoring (medical equipment)
NIMNational Institute of Meteorology (Tunisia)
NIMNigerian Institute of Management (est. 1961)
NIMNet International Migration
NIMNetwork Installation Manager
NIMNotice of Intended Marriage
NIMNuclear Instrument Module
NIMNewport Internet Marketing Corp. (Seattle, WA)
NIMNew Interactive Media
NIMNuclear Instrumentation Module
NIMNonlinear Integral Model (physics)
NIMNetscape Instant Messenger
NIMNetwork Identity Management
NIMNational Islamic Movement (Afghanistan)
NIMNetwork Infrastructure Management
NIMNo Internal Message (quick-note email, subject text only matters)
NIMNegative-Index Medium
NIMNational Institute of Medicine
NIMNashville Independent Music (Nashville, TN)
NIMNumber of Instance Methods
NIMNetwork Interface Machine
NIMNaval Inspector of Machinery (US Navy)
NIMNational Instrumentation Methods
NIMNational Information Market
NIMNational Impact Model
NIMNORAD Intelligence Memorandum
NIMNetpresence Indivirtual Media (internet company)
NIMNuclear Incident Model
NIMNoninvertible Maps (operational research)
NIMNetwork Integration Manager
NIMNational Institute of Migration (Mexico)
NIMNimbus Publishing Ltd (Canada)
NIMNational Intellectual Movement (India)
NIMNational Implementation Measure (EU)
NIMNational Infantryman Museum (Columbus, GA)