OEDOxford English Dictionary
OEDOffice of Economic Development
OEDOperations Evaluation Department
OEDOnline Etymology Dictionary
OEDOlje- og Energidepartementet (Norwegian: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy)
OEDOffice of Energy and Defense (Indiana)
OEDOregon Employment Department
OEDOrganic Electroluminiscent Display
OEDOptimal Experiment Design
OEDOffice of Enrollment and Discipline
OEDOffice of the Executive Director
OEDOrganization and Employee Development (various locations)
OEDOld English Dictionary
OEDOffice of Entrepreneurial Development (various organizations)
OEDOpto-Electronic Device
OEDOriginal Effective Date (health insurance)
OEDOracle Energy Downstream
OEDOptical Edge Device
OEDOxidation Enhanced Diffusion
OEDOSIS Evolutionary Development
OEDOffer Expiration Date
OEDOgretim Elemanlari Dernegi
OEDOperational Effectiveness Demonstration
OEDOperational Evaluation Demonstration
OEDOperational Environment Documentation
OEDOil Energy Downstream