Acronym | Definition |
NF | Nuclear Factor |
NF | Newfoundland |
NF | Norfolk Island |
NF | Niagara Falls (NY/Canada border) |
NF | National Forest |
NF | Noise Figure |
NF | Netflix (also seen as NFLX) |
NF | Nursing Facility |
NF | Non-Fiction |
NF | Navy Field (video game) |
NF | National Front (GB political party) |
NF | Not Finished |
NF | No Fear (clothing brand) |
NF | Near Fine (condition of used merchandise) |
NF | Neurofibromatosis |
NF | No Fap (gaming community) |
NF | Nut Free (food) |
NF | No Fault (insurance) |
NF | National Formulary |
NF | Not Fair |
NF | New Frontier (Star Trek novel series) |
NF | Nanofiltration |
NF | Normal Form |
NF | New Front (Suriname) |
NF | Nutrition Facts |
NF | New Face |
NF | Near-Field |
NF | Nuclear Fuel |
NF | Near Field |
NF | Necrotizing Fasciitis |
NF | Night Fighter (Aircraft) |
NF | No Force (Star Wars) |
NF | Not Funny |
NF | Neurofibromatosis, Inc. |
NF | Neurofibromin |
NF | Near Face (screw thread) |
NF | Noise Factor |
NF | Nanofarad |
NF | NetFinity (IBM server model) |
NF | Noise Filter |
NF | Natural Frequency |
NF | Norme Française (French Standard) |
NF | Notch Filter |
NF | National Forum |
NF | Nuestra Familia (Our Family, prison gang) |
NF | Neurofibromatosis Foundation (various locations) |
NF | Net Force (Tom Clancy novel series) |
NF | National Fine (threading) |
NF | Nanofiber |
NF | Number of Failures |
NF | Near-Far (resistance) |
NF | Non-Factor |
NF | Naegleria Fowleri (amoeba) |
NF | No Food |
NF | Neutral File |
NF | Neutron Flux |
NF | National Fine (screw thread, Society of Automotive Engineers) |
NF | No Funds |
NF | Northumberland Fusiliers (British Army) |
NF | Normalizing Factor |
NF | Nose Fuse (US Navy) |
NF | Normal Functionality |
NF | Narrow Frontend (tractor category) |
NF | Natural Fluorescence |
NF | NiteFinder (Nerf gun; Hasbro) |
NF | Nasty Factor (baseball) |
NF | Nose Fairing |
NF | New Frontiers Program |
NF | No Figure |
NF | Nuclear Furnace |
NF | Nowa Fantastyka (Polish) |
NF | Night Foreman |
NF | Nintendo Forum |
NF | Nordlands Framtid |
NF | Nested Factorization (mathematics) |
NF | Air Vanuatu Limited (IATA airline code) |
NF | Negative Furnished |
NF | Nordfinans |