NFDNephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy
NFDNo Floppy Drive (computer hardware)
NFDnot for Distribution
NFDNashville Fire Department (Tennessee)
NFDNational Foundation for the Deaf, Inc. (New Zealand)
NFDNo Further Details
NFDNot Following Directions (education)
NFDNon-Financial Disclosure (corporate governance)
NFDNodal Fault Diagnostics (US DoD)
NFDNo Further Discount (sales)
NFDNet Filter Discrimination (radio)
NFDNet Financial Debt
NFDNational Forest Development (Road)
NFDNo Foreign Dissemination
NFDNetwork Flow Diagrams
NFDNoise Flash Device
NFDNumber of Faults Detected
NFDNavy Fuel Depot
NFDNorthern Federation of Draughts (Northern Ireland)
NFDNa Fianna Dragun (gaming guild)
NFDNuclear Fuels Division
NFDNewberg Fire Department (Newberg, Oregon)