Acronym | Definition |
NE | Nebraska (US postal abbreviation) |
NE | Northeast(ern) |
NE | Any |
NE | New England |
NE | New Edition |
NE | Netherlands |
NE | National Education |
NE | Niue |
NE | No Evidence (school grading system) |
NE | Neon |
NE | Niger (ISO country code, top level domain) |
NE | Not Equal |
NE | Neuss (German city) |
NE | Nuclear Energy |
NE | Neuchâtel (canton postcode, Switzerland) |
NE | Net Energy (animal science) |
NE | Newcastle Upon Tyne (postcode, United Kingdom) |
NE | Neuquen (Argentina province, airline code) |
NE | Neuenburg (Neuchâtel; Swiss Canton) |
NE | Norepinephrine |
NE | Not Evaluated (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species category) |
NE | Not Examined |
NE | not enrolled |
NE | National Enquirer |
NE | Natural England (UK) |
NE | No Escape (Gaming clan) |
NE | New Entrant |
NE | Neutrophil Elastase |
NE | Night Elf (Warcraft III) |
NE | Nuclear Extract |
NE | Network Element |
NE | Night Elf (gaming) |
NE | Nitzer Ebb (band) |
NE | Noise Equivalent |
NE | Nippon Express (various locations) |
NE | Nuclear Engineer |
NE | Nueva Ecija (Philippines) |
NE | Nash Equilibrium (game theory) |
NE | Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle) |
NE | Nuclear Envelope (cell anatomy) |
NE | Node Element |
NE | Nitro Express |
NE | Nikkei Electronics (magazine; Japan) |
NE | Nutrition Educator |
NE | Naval Engineer |
NE | Neutral Evil (gaming) |
NE | Nocturnal Emission |
NE | Navy Enlisted |
NE | Necrotic Enteritis (enterotoxemic disease of poultry) |
NE | Network Essentials |
NE | Non-Established |
NE | Naked Empire (Terry Goodkind book) |
NE | Operation Noble Eagle |
NE | Not Estimable |
NE | Nach Elfmeterschießen (German soccer) |
NE | Navy Enterprise |
NE | Navio Escola (School Ship, Portuguese Navy) |
NE | Navy Evaluation |
NE | New Technical Environment |
NE | Occupation Special Delivery (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |