NPSENational Society of Professional Engineers
NPSENational Primary School Examination (UK)
NPSENetwork Packet Search Engine
NPSENon-Profit Sub-entity
NPSENúcleo de Pesquisa Sociedade e Educação
NPSENet Positive Suction Energy (hydraulics)
NPSENational Programme for Sex Education (UK)
NPSENederlands Platform voor Stedelijke Ecologie
NPSENon-Powered Support Equipment
NPSENational Project for Sex Education
NPSENational Partnership for Social Enterprise, Inc.
NPSENorthern Power Sharing Executive (UK)
NPSENível Psico-Energético
NPSENetwork Services Procedure Error
NPSENew Perspectives in Social Education
NPSENonlinear Parabolized Stability Equation
NPSENon-Polynomial Schrödinger Equation
NPSENeurological/Psychiatric Side-Effect
NPSENovice, Practitioner, Scholar, Expert
NPSENuovi Programmi della Scuola Elementare
NPSENorthern Peru and Southern Ecuador