Acronym | Definition |
NOV | November |
NOV | Notice of Value (assessment; various locations) |
NOV | Notice Of Violation |
NOV | New Orleans Voodoo (Arena Football League; New Orleans, LA) |
NOV | Notice of Variation (amateur radio licence) |
NOV | Notice of Vacancy |
NOV | National Oilwell Varco (Houston, TX) |
NOV | Nephroblastoma Overexpressed Gene |
NOV | Nederlandse Organisaties Vrijwilligerswerk (Dutch) |
NOV | Notification of Violation (various locations) |
NOV | Next Office Visit |
NOV | Nederlandse Orthopaedische Vereniging (Dutch) |
NOV | Nederlandse Onderzoekschool Vrouwenstudies (Dutch: Netherlands Research School of Women's Studies) |
NOV | Non Obstante Veredicto (Notwithstanding the Verdict) |
NOV | No Obvious Value |
NOV | Net Option Value |
NOV | Nederlandse Othello Vereniging (Dutch) |
NOV | Night Only Visual |