NOVNotice of Value (assessment; various locations)
NOVNotice Of Violation
NOVNew Orleans Voodoo (Arena Football League; New Orleans, LA)
NOVNotice of Variation (amateur radio licence)
NOVNotice of Vacancy
NOVNational Oilwell Varco (Houston, TX)
NOVNephroblastoma Overexpressed Gene
NOVNederlandse Organisaties Vrijwilligerswerk (Dutch)
NOVNotification of Violation (various locations)
NOVNext Office Visit
NOVNederlandse Orthopaedische Vereniging (Dutch)
NOVNederlandse Onderzoekschool Vrouwenstudies (Dutch: Netherlands Research School of Women's Studies)
NOVNon Obstante Veredicto (Notwithstanding the Verdict)
NOVNo Obvious Value
NOVNet Option Value
NOVNederlandse Othello Vereniging (Dutch)
NOVNight Only Visual