OAKOne of A Kind
OAKOakland Raiders (football team)
OAKOsteoarthritis of the Knee
OAKOem Adaptation Kit
OAKOpen Access to Knowledge (Law Project, Australian Commonwealth Department of Education)
OAKObject Application Kernel
OAKOvarian Awareness of Kentucky
OAKOutstanding Alumnus of Kentucky
OAKOklahoma-Arkansas-Kansas League (baseball)
OAKOda e Avokatëve Të Kosovës (Albanian: Kosovo Chamber of Advocates)
OAKOnline Army Knife (JEM Software)
OAKOptic Atrophy, Kjer Type
OAKOakland, CA, USA - Metropolitan Oakland International Apt (Airport Code)
OAKOrange Ant Koala
OAKOEM Adaptation Kit for Windows CE (Microsoft)