NTPNormal Temperature & Pressure
NTPNetwork Time Protocol
NTPNational Toxicology Program (NIEHS)
NTPNutritional Therapy Practitioner (various organizations)
NTPNotice To Proceed
NTPNational Training Program (various organizations)
NTPNo Token Pass
NTPNatural Therapy Pages (resource; Australia)
NTPNational Training Programme (various organizations)
NTPNational Tuberculosis Programme (WHO)
NTPNational Trade Policy (various locations)
NTPNucleotide Triphosphate
NTPNorthern Territory Police (Australia)
NTPNortriptyline (tranquilizer and tricyclic antidepressant)
NTPNetwork Termination Point
NTPNew Telecom Policy (India)
NTPNeuroscience Training Program
NTPNot the Point
NTPNational Trade Productions (Alexandria, VA)
NTPNarcotic Treatment Program
NTPNeuronal Thread Protein
NTPNew-Tech Products GmbH (Germany)
NTPNational Toxicity Program
NTPNational Toxicity Program (NIH)
NTPNational Transportation Program
NTPName The Picture (website)
NTPNothing to Prove (band)
NTPNo Te Preocupes (Spanish: don't worry)
NTPNavy Training Plan
NTPNetwork Test Panel (US NASA)
NTPNational Talent Pool (Pakistan government)
NTPNippon Tokan Package Co., Ltd. (Japan)
NTPNational Technological Park (Ireland)
NTPNeed to Pee (also seen as N2P)
NTPNo Tengo Palabras (Spanish)
NTPNeighborhood Tree Program (Falls Church, VA)
NTPNational Teams Program
NTPNumerical Tokamak Project
NTPNational Tapered Pipe
NTPNaval Telecommunications Procedure
NTPNational Training Plan
NTPNurse Transition Program
NTPNetwork Topology Processor
NTPNice Try Partner (bridge card game)
NTPNaval Tactical Publication
NTPNational Tasking Plan
NTPNone Too Pretty
NTPNearest to Pin (golf)
NTPNavy Technological Projection
NTPNontobacco Premium (insurance)
NTPNavy Technology Projections
NTPNaval Threat Product
NTPNavigation & Targeting Pod
NTPNew Technology Partners (software; various locations)
NTPNaval Training Program
NTPNavy Tactical Program