Acronym | Definition |
MSG | Message |
MSG | Monosodium Glutamate |
MSG | Master Sergeant (US military) |
MSG | Message (logging abbreviation) |
MSG | Message file (file name extension) |
MSG | Massage |
MSG | Michael Schenker Group (rock band) |
MSG | Mission Support Group (USAF) |
MSG | Marketing Systems Group |
MSG | Ministère des Services Gouvernementaux (French: Ministry of Government Services) |
MSG | Mobile Suit Gundam (Japanese animated series) |
MSG | Marketing Services Group |
MSG | Marine Security Guard |
MSG | Marketing Solutions Group (various locations) |
MSG | Middle School Girls |
MSG | Mein schöner Garten (German magazine) |
MSG | Maximum Specific Gravity (paving mixture) |
MSG | Management Services Group |
MSG | Meteosat Second Generation |
MSG | Maine State Government |
MSG | Major Surface Glycoprotein |
MSG | Management Steering Group |
MSG | Maui Surfer Girls (Puunene, HI) |
MSG | Microgravity Science Glovebox |
MSG | Muscle-Specific Genes |
MSG | Multiservice Security Gateway |
MSG | Mobilized Solutions Guide |
MSG | Multimedia Service Gateway |
MSG | Messaging |
MSG | Maintenance Steering Group |
MSG | Program Message (File Name Extension) |
MSG | Main Switchgear (electrical engineering) |
MSG | Management Systems Group |
MSG | Maine Sea Grant (University of Maine) |
MSG | Madison Square Garden, LP (New York, NY, USA) |
MSG | Melanesian Spearhead Group |
MSG | Maîtrise de Sciences de Gestion (France) |
MSG | Media Solutions Group (various locations) |
MSG | Miranda Sex Garden (band) |
MSG | Maintenance Support Group |
MSG | Maximum Stable Gain |
MSG | Mycoses Study Group |
MSG | Macromolecular Structure Group (University of California at San Francisco) |
MSG | Missouri State Guard |
MSG | Mattole Salmon Group (Petrolia, CA) |
MSG | Masters of Science Gerontology (degree) |
MSG | Message Region |
MSG | Moe’s Southwest Grill (Atlanta, Georgia restaurant chain) |
MSG | Manchester Sports Guild (UK) |
MSG | Marine Strike Group (US DoD) |
MSG | Masculine Singular |
MSG | Music Support Group |
MSG | Medium Silver Grey |
MSG | Mobile Storage Group (UK/US onsite storage provider company) |
MSG | Materiel Systems Group |
MSG | Managed Solutions Group, Inc. |
MSG | Modelling and Simulation Group |
MSG | Medium Spring Green |
MSG | Missouri State Government (US) |
MSG | Madison Songwriters Group (Madison, WI) |
MSG | Media Support Group |
MSG | Mean Subject Grade (Hwa Chong Institution Singapore) |
MSG | Mobile Support Group |
MSG | Mountain States Group (Boise, ID) |
MSG | Medical Super God |
MSG | Machine Stress Grading |
MSG | Metamorphic Studies Group |
MSG | Medical Student Government |
MSG | melanocyte-specific gene |
MSG | Maple Story Global (MMORPG) |
MSG | Musik- und Sportgemeinschaft |
MSG | Martin-Schongauer-Gymnasium (Breisach, Germany) |
MSG | McCauley-Schenker Group |
MSG | Male Sex Guide |
MSG | Michigan Silversmiths Guild |
MSG | Maintenance and Service Guide (Compaq) |
MSG | Mesemb Study Group |
MSG | Middle Silk Gland (silkworms) |
MSG | Mercyhurst Student Government (Mercyhurst College, Erie, PA, USA) |
MSG | Metering Service Gesellschaft mbH (Germany) |
MSG | My Special Girlfriend (Boris song) |
MSG | minimum stable generation |
MSG | mature secretory granule |
MSG | Metro Seattle Gamers (Seattle, WA, USA) |
MSG | Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (former USSR president and Nobel Peace Prize winner) |
MSG | Militärisches Scharfschützen Gewehr (Heckler and Koch sniper rifle) |
MSG | metastasis suppressor gene |
MSG | Multi-sectoral Group (Trinidad & Tobago) |
MSG | Ministry of the Solicitor General (Canada) |
MSG | Mortgage Specialist Group |
MSG | Merchant Service Guild (union) |
MSG | Michigan Society of Gerontology |
MSG | Money Savvy Generation |
MSG | Material Systems Group |
MSG | Microsoft Solutions Group |
MSG | Magnum Snow Goose (Haydel game call) |
MSG | Molecular Systematics Group |
MSG | Military Systems Group, Inc. (Nashville, TN) |
MSG | Mechanical stress grading |
MSG | Monash Sun Grid (Monash University, Australia) |
MSG | McMurry Student Government (McMurry University, Abilene, TX) |
MSG | Microfused Silicon Strain Gauge |
MSG | Methacrylates Sector Group (petrochemistry) |
MSG | Multispeciality Group (US Healthcare industry) |
MSG | Macintosh Support Group (New Zealand) |
MSG | Miami Style Graffiti |
MSG | Marine Studies Group (Geological Society, UK) |
MSG | McKibbin Software Group Pty Ltd (Australia) |
MSG | Manufacturers' Standard Gauge (steel) |
MSG | Microwave Signal Generator |
MSG | Maine State Grange (Augusta, Maine) |
MSG | Mexican Society of Geomorphology |
MSG | Modular Steam Generator |
MSG | Makerere Students Guild (Kenya) |
MSG | Monash Small Grants (Monash University, Australia) |
MSG | Massachusetts State Guard |
MSG | maximum security gate |
MSG | My Summer Guy |
MSG | Mooring Selection Guide |
MSG | Manpower Scaling Guide (US DoD) |
MSG | Metal Strip Grating |
MSG | Multifunctional Secure Gateway |
MSG | Memorial Society of Georgia (Atlanta, GA) |
MSG | MIP Steering Group (Multilateral Interoperability Programme) |
MSG | Materials Science Glovebox |
MSG | Michael Samuel Graphics (New York, NY) |
MSG | Marxist Study Group |
MSG | Manawatu Speleo Group (caving hut in NZ) |
MSG | Microelectronics Systems Group |
MSG | Minimum Subscriber Guarantee |
MSG | Macromolecular Studies Group |
MSG | Manpower Sub-Group (now Manpower Focus Group) |
MSG | Media Service Gaens (Germany) |
MSG | EZ Metro Manila Street Guide (Philippines) |
MSG | Maintenance Support Guide Status |
MSG | Multi-Source Group |
MSG | Megasonic Generators (Modutek Corporation) |
MSG | Ministry Strategy Group (Anglican Church) |
MSG | Maintenance Strategy Group |
MSG | Master of Science in Geography |
MSG | Modular Shelter, Underground |
MSG | Men Seeking God |
MSG | Maryland Space Grant |