PvPPlayer Versus Player (gaming)
PvPPlayer Vs Player (web comic)
PvPPlant Variety Protection
PvPPanel View Plus
PvPPacket Video Protocol
PvPProtected Video Path (software)
PvPProtected Video Path
PvPPlayer versus Player
PvPPhoto Value Pack (Hewlett Packard)
PvPPetit Véhicule Protégé (French military vehicle)
PvPPhotoselective Vaporization of the Prostate (GreenLight/Laserscope)
PvPPermanent Virtual Path
PvPPersonal Video Player
PvPPressure Vessels and Piping (engineering)
PvPProcess Verified Program (USDA)
PvPPalos Verdes Peninsula (High School, California)
PvPProfessional Visit Pass (international travel)
PvPPrix de Vente Public (French: Public Asking Price)
PvPPrecio de Venta al Público (Spanish: Public Price)
PvPProperty Value Protection (Canada)
PvPPoint Visio-Public (virtual administrative office; France)
PvPParallel Vector Processor
PvPPost-Vasectomy Pain
PvPPortal Venous Phase
PvPPrograma Viable Provisional (Spanish: Viable Provisional Program)
PvPPerceived Virtual Presence (scale)
PvPProduction Verification Plan
PvPProfessional Veterinary Products, Ltd
PvPPotentially Violent Person
PvPPurpose, Values and Principles
PvPPersonal Vacation Planner
PvPPartner Virtualization Program (cloud-based testing)
PvPProtecting Vulnerable People (UK)
PvPPortée Visuelle de Piste
PvPProtoss Versus Protoss (Starcraft game)
PvPPersonal Visiting Physician
PvPPeace Valley Park (Pennsylvania)
PvPPacket Video Processor
PvPProduct Verification Program
PvPProcess Validation Plan
PvPPipelined Vector Supercomputer
PvPPermanent Virtual Pipe
PvPParallel Videoprocessor
PvPPlanned Value Profile
PvPPrinciple Voices of Polygamy