NCHNorthwest Community Healthcare (Arlington Heights, IL)
NCHNational Coalition for the Homeless
NCHNovartis Consumer Health (various locations)
NCHNevada Corporate Headquarters (est. 1980)
NCHNetwork Controlled Handover
NCHNumber Changed
NCHNon Cable Head
NCHNormal Charge
NCHNo Change
NCHNumber of Channels
NCHNational Center for Homeopathy
NCHNational Council for Hypnotherapy (UK)
NCHNorth Collier Hospital (Florida)
NCHNational Coalition for History
NCHNaperville Central High (Naperville, IL)
NCHNew Century Hymnal (worship book)
NCHNational Clearance Hub (UK Customs)
NCHNational Claims History
NCHNeighborhood City Halls (various locations)
NCHNursing Contact Hour (various schools)
NCHNational Centre for Health Professions Education (Nepal)
NCHNoise Cancellation Headphone
NCHNielsen Clearing House
NCHNorth Cascades Highway
NCHNumber of Calls Handled (telephony)
NCHNon-Carbonate Hardness
NCHNightmare City Halloween (radio show; est. 1979)
NCHNot Completely Here
NCHNarrow Angle Camera Head
NCHNoCheatersHere (Xboxlive gaming community website)