Acronym | Definition |
NAPS | Network Access Points |
NAPS | National Association of Personnel Services |
NAPS | Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service (est. 1994; Canada) |
NAPS | Naval Academy Preparatory School |
NAPS | National Association of Postal Supervisors |
NAPS | Not A Pretty Sight |
NAPS | North American Precis Syndicate |
NAPS | Numerical Analysis and Prediction System (Japan Meteorological Agency) |
NAPS | North American Power Symposium |
NAPS | New Abstracts and Papers in Sleep |
NAPS | National Association for the Prevention of Starvation (Huntsville, Alabama) |
NAPS | Nurse-Administered Propofol Sedation (endoscopy) |
NAPS | National Air Pollution Surveillance Network (Canadian clean-air organization) |
NAPS | Navy Acquisition Procedures Supplement |
NAPS | National Auxiliary Publications Service (American Society for Information Science) |
NAPS | National Association of Presbyterian Scouters |
NAPS | National Association of Peer Specialists |
NAPS | National Association of Premenstrual Syndrome (Kent, UK) |
NAPS | National Application Processing and Screening, Inc. (Alabama) |
NAPS | National Auricula and Primula Society (UK flower enthusiasts club) |
NAPS | Navy Automated Publishing System |
NAPS | National Association of Perishable Shippers |
NAPS | National Account Proposal System |
NAPS | North American Paranormal Society |
NAPS | Nigeria Association of Physiotherapy Students |
NAPS | New Account Processing System |
NAPS | Northern Arizona Paranormal Society |
NAPS | Nationwide Association of Preserving Specialists (United Kingdom) |
NAPS | Newborn and Prenatal Screening |
NAPS | Non-invasive Array Prognostic System (phased-array antenna measurement) |
NAPS | National Agriculture Policy and Strategy (Sri Lanka) |
NAPS | Non-Appropriated-Fund Automated Personnel System |
NAPS | Navy Automated Publications System |
NAPS | Night Aerial Photographic System |
NAPS | National Australian Pump Services (formerly Fluid Equipment Company) |
NAPS | Naval Auxiliary Patrol Service (New Zealand) |