NAPSNetwork Access Points
NAPSNational Association of Personnel Services
NAPSNishnawbe-Aski Police Service (est. 1994; Canada)
NAPSNaval Academy Preparatory School
NAPSNational Association of Postal Supervisors
NAPSNot A Pretty Sight
NAPSNorth American Precis Syndicate
NAPSNumerical Analysis and Prediction System (Japan Meteorological Agency)
NAPSNorth American Power Symposium
NAPSNew Abstracts and Papers in Sleep
NAPSNational Association for the Prevention of Starvation (Huntsville, Alabama)
NAPSNurse-Administered Propofol Sedation (endoscopy)
NAPSNational Air Pollution Surveillance Network (Canadian clean-air organization)
NAPSNavy Acquisition Procedures Supplement
NAPSNational Auxiliary Publications Service (American Society for Information Science)
NAPSNational Association of Presbyterian Scouters
NAPSNational Association of Peer Specialists
NAPSNational Association of Premenstrual Syndrome (Kent, UK)
NAPSNational Application Processing and Screening, Inc. (Alabama)
NAPSNational Auricula and Primula Society (UK flower enthusiasts club)
NAPSNavy Automated Publishing System
NAPSNational Association of Perishable Shippers
NAPSNational Account Proposal System
NAPSNorth American Paranormal Society
NAPSNigeria Association of Physiotherapy Students
NAPSNew Account Processing System
NAPSNorthern Arizona Paranormal Society
NAPSNationwide Association of Preserving Specialists (United Kingdom)
NAPSNewborn and Prenatal Screening
NAPSNon-invasive Array Prognostic System (phased-array antenna measurement)
NAPSNational Agriculture Policy and Strategy (Sri Lanka)
NAPSNon-Appropriated-Fund Automated Personnel System
NAPSNavy Automated Publications System
NAPSNight Aerial Photographic System
NAPSNational Australian Pump Services (formerly Fluid Equipment Company)
NAPSNaval Auxiliary Patrol Service (New Zealand)