NINo Information
NINational Instruments
NINorthern Ireland
NINo Idea
NINational Insurance
NINorfolk Island
NINot Important
NINicaragua (ISO country code, top level domain)
NINot Interested
NINet Income
NINorth Island (New Zealand)
NINetwork Interface
NINeeds Improvement
NINegative Impact
NINueva Izquierda (Spanish: New Left)
NINatural Ingredients
NINational Income
NINational Identification (number; US DoD)
NINosocomial Infection
NINet Investment
NINaval Intelligence
NINeurological Institute
NIPortugalia Airlines (IATA airline code)
NINational ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
NINoted Item (US DoD)
NINavistar International (trucks and tractors)
NINetwork Implementation
NINutrition Institute
NINickel Institute
NINot Insulated
NINetwork Industry (frequent in company description of the new economy)
NINew Institutionalism (EU)
NINuclear Instrumentation
NINex Imperio (gaming alliance)
NINetwork Indicator
NINetworld + Interop
NINamed Insured (insurance)
NINanotechnology Institute (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
NINoise Intensity
NINationella Insatsstyrkan (Swedish equivalent of SWAT police force)
NINeonatal Isoerythrolysis (hemolytic disease of foals)
NINavigation and Interaction (software engineering)
NINumber of Invocations
NINatural Interference
NINorthwood Institute (Midland, Michigan)
NINatione Itala (Latin: Italic Nation, epigraphy)
NINeoist International (governing body of Art/Agitprop conferees)