NIANational Institute on Aging (US NIH; also seen as NIOA)
NIANational Investigation Agency (India)
NIANot in Attendance (school)
NIANational Indoor Arena (UK)
NIANational Insulation Association
NIANon-Impact Aerobics (exercise)
NIANevis Island Administration
NIANational Intelligence Agency (South Africa and Thailand)
NIANeural Impulse Actuator (brain-computer interface)
NIANational Insurance Act (various locations)
NIANational Institute of Accountants
NIANext Instruction Address
NIANumber of Inherited Attributes
NIANeural Impulse Actuator
NIANational Irrigation Administration (Philippines)
NIANational Imaging Associates (radiology)
NIANeuromuscular Integrative Action (mind-body-spirit fitness technique)
NIANational Institute of Aerospace
NIANature Improvement Area (Natural England; UK)
NIANational Insulator Association
NIANuclear Industry Association (UK)
NIANagasaki International Association (est. 1990; Japan)
NIANet Internal Area (internal building space)
NIANotice of Intended Action (various locations)
NIANon-Inflammatory Acne (dermatology)
NIANiigata International Association (Japan)
NIANo Information Available
NIANational Intelligence Application (police incident code; New Zealand)
NIANet Income Attributable
NIANew Iraqi Army
NIANigerian Institute of Architects (est. 1960)
NIANetwork Interface Adapter
NIANoobs in Action (gaming)
NIANewcastle International Airport (England; also see NCL)
NIANew Indo-Aryan (linguistics)
NIANational Infantry Association
NIANorthern and Isolation Allowance (Canadian physician incentive)
NIANature in Art (UK museum)
NIANursing Informatics Australia (Health Informatics Society of Australia)
NIANetwork Infrastructure Administration
NIANearest International Airport
NIANetwork Indicate Address
NIANails Industry Association
NIANon-Instructed Advocacy
NIANumber Of Imposter Attempts (biometrics)
NIANational Information Accounts Clearinghouse
NIANavy Industrial Association
NIANeoplasia Intra-Epitelial Anal (Portugese)
NIANational Information Account
NIANerd Intelligence Agency
NIANaval Intelligence Assessment
NIANational Information Association