Acronym | Definition |
NIA | National Institute on Aging (US NIH; also seen as NIOA) |
NIA | National Investigation Agency (India) |
NIA | Not in Attendance (school) |
NIA | National Indoor Arena (UK) |
NIA | National Insulation Association |
NIA | Non-Impact Aerobics (exercise) |
NIA | Nevis Island Administration |
NIA | National Intelligence Agency (South Africa and Thailand) |
NIA | Neural Impulse Actuator (brain-computer interface) |
NIA | National Insurance Act (various locations) |
NIA | National Institute of Accountants |
NIA | Next Instruction Address |
NIA | Number of Inherited Attributes |
NIA | Neural Impulse Actuator |
NIA | National Irrigation Administration (Philippines) |
NIA | National Imaging Associates (radiology) |
NIA | Neuromuscular Integrative Action (mind-body-spirit fitness technique) |
NIA | National Institute of Aerospace |
NIA | Nature Improvement Area (Natural England; UK) |
NIA | National Insulator Association |
NIA | Nuclear Industry Association (UK) |
NIA | Nagasaki International Association (est. 1990; Japan) |
NIA | Net Internal Area (internal building space) |
NIA | Notice of Intended Action (various locations) |
NIA | Non-Inflammatory Acne (dermatology) |
NIA | Niigata International Association (Japan) |
NIA | No Information Available |
NIA | National Intelligence Application (police incident code; New Zealand) |
NIA | Net Income Attributable |
NIA | New Iraqi Army |
NIA | Nigerian Institute of Architects (est. 1960) |
NIA | Network Interface Adapter |
NIA | Noobs in Action (gaming) |
NIA | Newcastle International Airport (England; also see NCL) |
NIA | New Indo-Aryan (linguistics) |
NIA | National Infantry Association |
NIA | Northern and Isolation Allowance (Canadian physician incentive) |
NIA | Nature in Art (UK museum) |
NIA | Nursing Informatics Australia (Health Informatics Society of Australia) |
NIA | Network Infrastructure Administration |
NIA | Nearest International Airport |
NIA | Network Indicate Address |
NIA | Nails Industry Association |
NIA | Non-Instructed Advocacy |
NIA | Number Of Imposter Attempts (biometrics) |
NIA | National Information Accounts Clearinghouse |
NIA | Navy Industrial Association |
NIA | Neoplasia Intra-Epitelial Anal (Portugese) |
NIA | National Information Account |
NIA | Nerd Intelligence Agency |
NIA | Naval Intelligence Assessment |
NIA | National Information Association |