ODIOne Day International (cricket)
ODIOne Day International (type of cricket)
ODIOverseas Development Institute (UK)
ODIOswestry Disability Index (spinal dysfunction evaluation)
ODIOracle Data Integrator (Oracle Corporation)
ODIOpen Data Institute
ODIOffice of Defects Investigation (US DOT)
ODIOffice of Diversity and Inclusion (various locations)
ODIOffice for Disability Issues
ODIOracle Data Integrator
ODIOptical Digital Image
ODIOpen Device Interconnect
ODIOptical Data Image
ODIOffice Document Integration
ODIObject Database Interface
ODIOil Drain Interval (various companies)
ODIOpen Datalink Interface
ODIObject Design, Inc. (various locations)
ODIOffshore Derivative Instrument (Indian stocks)
ODIOverseas Direct Investment
ODIOpen Development Initiative (technological project)
ODIOxygen Desaturation Index
ODIOffice Document Interchange
ODIOptimal Daily Intake (nutrition)
ODIOpen Dump Inventory
ODIOn Deck Interactive (Gathering of Developers)
ODIOptical Distance Indicator
ODIOptical Digital Imagery
ODIOntrack Data International, Inc.
ODIOffense-Defense Integration
ODIOpposite Direction Interference