NFLNational Football League
NFLNewfoundland (Canada)
NFLNo Fun League
NFLNot For Long
NFLNational Forensic League
NFLNiagra Falls (Amtrak station code; Niagra Falls, NY)
NFLNachrichten für Luftfahrer (German: Notices to Airmen; German Air Traffic Control)
NFLNegative Feedback Loop
NFLNarrow Flood Light (lightbulb)
NFLNever Forget Loyalty
NFLNo Free Lunch
NFLNational Fertilizer Limited (est. 1974; India)
NFLNew Found Love
NFLNo Friends Left
NFLNerve Fiber Layer
NFLNpower Football League (UK)
NFLNAS Fallon (Naval Air Station; Nevada)
NFLNational Foods Limited (various locations)
NFLNorthumberland Ferries Limited (Canada)
NFLNon-Fermi Liquid
NFLNational Food Laboratory (California)
NFLNational Federation of Labor
NFLNon-Federal Levee (US Army)
NFLNational Forensic Laboratory
NFLNyungwe Forest Lodge (Rwanda)
NFLNo-Fire Line
NFLNo Freakin' Lime
NFLNot Freakin' Likely
NFLNew Foreign Launch (military launch detection)
NFLNorwegian Defence Industry Group
NFLNerd for Life
NFLNoise Floor Level
NFLNavigation Feature Layer
NFLNeue Fünf Länder (the states of former East Germany)
NFLNear, Far Line (marine engineering; US DoD)