NARPNational Association of Railroad Passengers
NARPNBMA (Non-Broadcast, Multi-Access) Address Resolution Protocol
NARPNbma Address Resolution Protocol
NARPNational Association of Retired Persons
NARPNational Agricultural Research Project (India)
NARPNordic Arctic Research Programme
NARPNot a Real Person
NARPNeuropathy, Ataxia and Retinitis Pigmentosa
NARPNorth American Rescue Products, Inc.
NARPNon-Athletic Regular People
NARPNorth American Reading Program (of the OED)
NARPNorth Africa Regional Program
NARPNational Asia Research Program
NARPNuclear Weapons Accident Response Procedures
NARPNuclear Accident Response Procedures
NARPNeurobehavioural Assessment and Rehabilitation Program
NARPNative American Re-Entry Program
NARPNorthern Alberta Renal Program (Alberta, Canada)
NARPNo Apparent Reason Party
NARPNorthern Appalachian Restoration Project
NARPNon-Athlete Regular Person