PVSPersistent Vegetative State
PVSPhysical Verification System (software)
PVSPatent- og Varemærkestyrelsen (Danish Patent and Trademark Office)
PVSPrototype Verification System
PVSPaesi in Via di Sviluppo (Emerging Countries)
PVSProject Vote Smart
PVSPhysical Volumes
PVSPersistency Values
PVSParallel Visualization Server
PVSPrimary Virtual Source
PVSProxied Volumes
PVSPhantom Vibration Syndrome (cell phone sensation)
PVSPolynesian Voyaging Society
PVSPassport and Visa Service (various locations)
PVSPersonal Video Station (SnapStream)
PVSPotato Virus S
PVSPine View School (Sarasota, Fl)
PVSPotomac Valley Swimming (Washington, DC area)
PVSPhysicians for a Violence-free Society
PVSPigmented Villonodular Synovitis
PVSPost-Viral Syndrome
PVSPrime Vendor Support
PVSPotential Visibility Set (computer graphics)
PVSPulmonary Valve Stenosis (cardiac disease)
PVSPrisoner Visitation and Support (Philadelphia, PA)
PVSPolyvinyl Siloxane
PVSPlant Variety Rights Office and Seeds Division (UK)
PVSPosture Validation Server (Cisco)
PVSPorted Vacuum Switch
PVSPojoaque Valley Schools
PVSPost-Vaccination Syndrome
PVSPotential Visible Set
PVSPortfolio Valuation Service (various locations)
PVSPecos Valley Southern Railway Company
PVSPower Visualization System
PVSPortal Venous System
PVSProof Verification System
PVSPost-Vasectomy (pain) Syndrome
PVSPole Vault Summit
PVSPassive Vision Sight (military night vision systems)
PVSPipelined Vector Supercomputer
PVSPittsburgh Vegetarian Society (Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
PVSPotential Video Stream
PVSPediatric Vaccine Stockpile
PVSPressure Vessels and Systems
PVSPeriscope View Simulator
PVSPropagation Validation System