Acronym | Definition |
PEC | Posta Elettronica Certificata (Italian: Certified Electronic Mail) |
PEC | Professional Education Center |
PEC | Pakistan Engineering Council |
PEC | Prince Edward County |
PEC | Proposta de Emenda à Constituição (politics, Brazil) |
PEC | Peritoneal Exudate Cells (immunology) |
PEC | Perivascular Epithelioid Cell |
PEC | Packet Error Checking (computing) |
PEC | Piedmont Environmental Council (Virginia) |
PEC | Punjab Engineering College (Chandigarh, India) |
PEC | Planning and Environment Committee (various locations) |
PEC | Packet Exchange Cycle |
PEC | Partner E-Learning Connection |
PEC | Peripheral Event Controller |
PEC | Primary Enterprise Controller |
PEC | Primary Education Completion |
PEC | Predicted Environmental Concentration |
PEC | Pacific Economic Community |
PEC | Packet Error Code |
PEC | PharmacoEconomic Center (US DoD) |
PEC | Photoelectric Cell |
PEC | Priority Existing Chemical |
PEC | Pacific Energy Center |
PEC | Primary Eye Care (various organizations) |
PEC | Periodic Error Correction |
PEC | Physical Education Coaching (various organizations) |
PEC | Private Equity Conference (various organizations) |
PEC | Professional Executive Committee (various organizations) |
PEC | Personal Effects Coverage (Insurance) |
PEC | Parent Education Conference (various organizations) |
PEC | Placements Épargne Canada (Canada investment savings) |
PEC | Professional Ethics Committee (various organizations) |
PEC | Perth Entertainment Centre (Australia) |
PEC | Pan-European Crossing |
PEC | Perfect Electric Conductor |
PEC | Persistent Elite Creation (gaming) |
PEC | Pulsed Eddy Current (inspection tool) |
PEC | President's Export Council |
PEC | Physical Education Center (Emory University) |
PEC | Patient Education Concepts (Houston, TX) |
PEC | Professional Education Conference |
PEC | Plain English Campaign |
PEC | Potomac Edison Company (Virginia) |
PEC | Primary Environmental Care |
PEC | Primary Epithelial Cell (cultures) |
PEC | Plaintiffs' Executive Committee (litigation) |
PEC | Postgraduate Education Committee (various schools) |
PEC | Peoples Energy Corporation (Illinois) |
PEC | Palmer Events Center (Austin, TX) |
PEC | Private Equity Council (Washington, DC) |
PEC | Primary Energy Consumption |
PEC | Politique Energetique Commune (French: Common Energy Policy) |
PEC | Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. |
PEC | Polio Eradication Campaign (various organizations) |
PEC | Protestant Episcopal Church |
PEC | Photoelectrochemistry |
PEC | Polyelectrolyte Complex |
PEC | Pondicherry Engineering College (Pondicherry, India) |
PEC | Predecisional Enforcement Conference |
PEC | Program Element Code |
PEC | Petroleum Energy Center (Japan) |
PEC | Peace Education Commission |
PEC | Physician's Emergency Certificate |
PEC | Political Equality Club (various locations) |
PEC | Provincial Electoral Commission (various locations) |
PEC | Proximity–Effect Correction |
PEC | Polymer Engineering Center |
PEC | Petrohawk Energy Corporation (various locations) |
PEC | Pancreatic Epithelial Cell |
PEC | Polymer Engineering Co., Ltd. (Canada) |
PEC | Parent Engagement Center (Fresno, CA) |
PEC | Proposal Evaluation Committee |
PEC | Political Economy Club (various schools) |
PEC | Probable Effect Concentration (toxicology) |
PEC | Peavey Electronics Corporation (various locations) |
PEC | Professional Engineers in Construction (division of NSPE) |
PEC | Power Efficiency Corporation (various locations) |
PEC | Product Engineering Center |
PEC | Presidential Exploratory Committee (politics) |
PEC | Personalized Electronic Catalogue |
PEC | Pay Equity Committee (various schools; Canada) |
PEC | Pearson Education Canada |
PEC | Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. |
PEC | Palestinian Energy and Environment Research Center |
PEC | Pre-Embarkation Check (shipping) |
PEC | Professional Electrical Contractor |
PEC | Personal Equipment Connector |
PEC | Provider Engagement Coordinator |
PEC | Pet Education Center |
PEC | Product Engineering Code |
PEC | Priesthood Executive Committee |
PEC | Protective Electrostatic Chuck Cover (semiconductors) |
PEC | Potential Energy Curve |
PEC | Parallel Earth Conductor |
PEC | Philippine Electrical Code |
PEC | Pure Entertainment Company |
PEC | Project Entropia Cent (gaming, MMORPG) |
PEC | Public Education Coalition |
PEC | Preferred Equity Certificate |
PEC | Professional Eligibility Certificate |
PEC | Philippine Episcopal Church |
PEC | Passive Experiment Carrier (MEEP, NASA) |
PEC | Program Execution Client |
PEC | Program Evaluation Center |
PEC | Programas de Concurrencia |
PEC | Passive Equipment Cabinet |
PEC | Physical Endurance Course (various organizations) |
PEC | Public Education Council (Australia) |
PEC | Plant Equipment Code |
PEC | Profiling E. coli Chromosome |
PEC | Production Equipment Code |
PEC | Propeller Electronic Controller (aviation) |
PEC | Professional Engineering Corporation (Fairfax, Virginia) |
PEC | Program/Erase Controller (computer memory) |
PEC | Photo Electronics Corp |
PEC | Pulchowk Engineering College (Kathmandu, Nepal) |
PEC | Power Electronics Council |
PEC | Product Equipment Code (Nortel) |
PEC | Part Evaluation Cycle |
PEC | Protective Electronic Circuit (electronics) |
PEC | Prion Expert Committee (Japan) |
PEC | Primary Equipment Custodian |
PEC | Previously Enjoyed Companion |
PEC | Pre-Employment Check (background investigation) |
PEC | Pentagon Episcopal Community |
PEC | Physics Emotion Cognition (software agent traits) |
PEC | Printed Electrical Circuit |
PEC | PEOC3S Executive Committee |
PEC | Pulse Envelope Correlation |
PEC | Parmelee Enterprises Corporation |
PEC | Promotion and Education Committee |
PEC | Platform Evaluation Confidence |
PEC | Progressive Educational Complex (Karachi, Pakistan) |
PEC | Passive Equipment Console |
PEC | Point, Evidence, Comment (writing format) |
PEC | Primitive Episcopal Church |
PEC | Passive Equipment Center |
PEC | Personal Exposure Concentration (chemicals) |
PEC | Parramatta Education Centre (Australia) |