NICNational Institute of Corrections (Federal Agency)
NICNational Informatics Centre (Department of Information Technology, government of India)
NICNetwork Interface Card
NICNetwork Information Center
NICNational Insurance Contributions (UK tax)
NICNational Intelligence Council
NICNicaragua (ISO Country code)
NICNetwork Interface Controller
NICNot In Contact (Sprint)
NICNot in Contract (construction)
NICNursing Interventions Classification
NICNational Instruments Corporation (India)
NICNurse in Charge
NICNorth Idaho College (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho)
NICNorth Island College (British Columbia, Canada)
NICNew In Chess
NICNormas Internacionales de Contabilidad (Spanish)
NICNational Information Center
NICJohn von Neumann Institute for Computing
NICNuclei in the Cosmos (symposium)
NICNational Insurance Company (India)
NICNeumann Institute for Computing (Germany)
NICNational Innovation Council (India)
NICNew Imaging Concept
NICNetwork Integration Center
NICNagoya International Center (Japan)
NICNational Identity Card (Pakistan)
NICNational Ice Center (US)
NICNational Incident Commander (US DHS)
NICNew Internet Computer (Oracle)
NICNazionale Italiana Cantanti (Italian: National Italian Singers)
NICNewly Industrialized Country
NICNotice of Intended Changes
NICNaval Intelligence Center (US DoD)
NICNavigation Integrity Category (avionics)
NICNet Interest Cost
NICNewly Industrializing Country (NIE)
NICNoise Isolation Class (sound transmission loss rating)
NICNissho Iwai Corporation (Japan)
NICNational Innovation Competition (various locations)
NICNational Issues Convention
NICNetwork Identification Code (ITU-T)
NICNational Industrial Classification (India)
NICNear Infrared Camera
NICNumeric Intensive Computing
NICNatal Indian Congress (South Africa)
NICNational Intelligence Community
NICNihongo Instructor Club (Japan)
NICNational Investment Center for the Seniors Housing & Care Industry (Annapolis, MD)
NICNational Irrigation Commission
NICNerf Internet Community
NICNetwork Information Computer (Digital Lightwave)
NICNegative Impedance Converter
NICNetwork Interface Connector
NICNaval Intelligence Command
NICNational ISDN Council
NICNikon Integrated Coating
NICNational Interpreting Certification (American Sign Language)
NICNetwork Interface Circuit
NICNational-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology, Inc.
NICNetwork Integration Center (US NASA)
NICNorth American Inter-fraternity Conference
NICNephron Information Center
NICNational Instrumentation Center
NICNational Immigration Conference (National Industrial Conference Board)
NICNauru Island Council
NICNot in Catalog (retail)
NICNot Included in Cost
NICNew Industrialized Country
NICNight Infiltration Course
NICNear Instantaneous Companding
NICNational Isotope Centre (New Zealand)
NICNational Inventors Council
NICNational Intelligence Cells
NICNetwork Invasion Charlotte
NICNevada Industrial Commission
NICNATO International Civilian
NICNational Identification Code
NICNotice of Intent to Conclude
NICNewcomers Information Centre (Toronto, Canada)
NICNaval Information Center
NICNetwork Initiated Change
NICNormas Internacinales de Contabilidad
NICNetwork Interface Codes
NICNIMS (National Incident Management System) Integration Center (US DHS/FEMA)
NICNicosia, Cyprus - International Airport (Airport Code, closed since 1974 until further notice)
NICNavigation Integrity Code (US FAA)