NLNational League (baseball)
NLNot Listed
NLNo Limit
NLNatural Language
NLNew Line
NLNormal (medical)
NLNorthern Light (search engine)
NLNorthern Lights
NLNewfoundland and Labrador
NLNamelijk (Dutch: namely)
NLNight Light
NLNuevo Leon (Mexican state)
NLNetwork Links (OSPF)
NLNightlife (The Sims Expansion Pack)
NLNational Laboratory
NLNorthern League (independent minor league)
NLProvince of Newfoundland and Labrador (Canada)
NLNo-Load (mutual funds)
NLNew Latin
NLNo Level (software open licensing)
NLNorth Latitude
NLNumber of Lines
NLNick Lachey (singer)
NLNetwork Layer
NLNobel Laureate
NLNumber Line
NLNo License
NLNetwork Library
NLNon-Ladder (Diablo II gaming)
NLNesting Level
NLNaujieji Lietuviai (Lithuanian: New Lithuanians)
NLNuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas (Mexico)
NLNational Lead (Industries)
NLNon Licet (Latin: It Is Not Allowed, epigraphy)
NLNeuvostoliitto (Finnish: Soviet Union)
NLNormal Load
NLNorthern Luzon
NLNeville Longbottom (Harry Potter series)
NLNavy Lighterage (US DoD)
NLNaval Lighter (US Navy)
NLNecrotizing Lymphadenitis (Porcine Circovirus 2)
NLNational Libertarian
NLNumerical Laboratory
NLNondeterministic Logarithmic (complexity theory)
NLNuevo León (Estado de) (México)
NLNetherbian Lair (Everquest)
NLNorthern Lion Gold Corporation (Vancouver, BC, Canada; stock symbol)
NLNightlight Studios (game developers)
NLNIMA Library
NLNorvegijos Lietuviai (Lithuanian: Norway Libraries)