NMRNuclear Magnetic Resonance
NMRNomura Holdings (Japan)
NMRNielsen Media Research
NMRNational Monuments Record (UK)
NMRNaked Mole Rat
NMRNetwork Media Receiver (Sony)
NMRNouveau Mouvement Religieux (French: New Religious Movement)
NMRNational Milk Laboratories (UK)
NMRNorthern Mountain Region (Vietnam)
NMRNätverket mot Rasism (Swedish: Network against Racism; Sweden)
NMRNew Market Research (finance)
NMRNational Military Representative
NMRNetworked Music Review (blog)
NMRNo Moves Received (online gaming)
NMRNetwork Measurement Report
NMRN. M. Rothschild & Sons (investment bank)
NMRNuclear Market Review (newsletter)
NMRN-Modular Redundant (reliability)
NMRNational Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame (Saratoga Springs, NY)
NMRNews Media Representative
NMRNot My Rip
NMRNarrative Mission Report (US Army)
NMRNo Mail Receptacle (USPS)
NMRNational Center of Excellence for Metals Recycle (US DOE)
NMRNot My Responsibility
NMRNon-conforming Material Report
NMRNo Maintenance Requirement
NMRNATO Military Requirement
NMRNo Molds Required (design and production)
NMRNew Model Review
NMRNo Marks Received
NMRNeuros MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) 4 Recorder (software)