MSSRMaster (title)
MSSRMonopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar
MSSRMcCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurants, Inc.
MSSRMoldavian Soviet Socialist Republic (now Moldova)
MSSRMorphine Sulfate Sustained Release (pain management)
MSSRMixer Based Scalar Stimulus Response (microwaves)
MSSRModerated School Self Review (UK)
MSSRMarine Scout Sniper Rifle
MSSRMilestone Schedule and Status Report
MSSRMinimum Sum of Squared RDS (Running Digital Sum)
MSSRMission and Science Scheduling Room
MSSRMonthly Schedule Status Review
MSSRMulti-State System Reliability
MSSRMonthly Statement of Services Rendered
MSSRMaster of Spatial Science Research
MSSRMechanical Solid State Reduction