Acronym | Definition |
MSTA | Missouri State Teachers Association |
MSTA | Michigan Science Teachers Association |
MSTA | Moorish Science Temple of America |
MSTA | Maryland State Teachers Association |
MSTA | Mid-South Trails Association (Memphis, TN) |
MSTA | Mumps Skin Test Antigen |
MSTA | Montana Science Teachers Association |
MSTA | Maine Science Teachers Association |
MSTA | Motorcycle Sport Touring Association (est. 1982) |
MSTA | Math Science and Technology Academy |
MSTA | Moore Stephens Technology Australia |
MSTA | Mid State Trail Association (Pennsylvania) |
MSTA | Must See To Appreciate |
MSTA | Math/Science/Technology Academy |
MSTA | Multiple Structural Alignments |
MSTA | Michigan Septic Tank Association |
MSTA | Mathematical Statistics |
MSTA | Master Status |
MSTA | Midwest Speech Technology Association |
MSTA | Mississippi Science Teacher's Association |
MSTA | Michigan State Teachers Association |
MSTA | Mathematics, Science, and Technology Academy |
MSTA | Multiparticle Spacetime Algebra |
MSTA | Main Street Tourism Association (Fayetteville, Georgia) |
MSTA | Math, Science, Technology Academies |
MSTA | Multiple Semester Term Appointments |
MSTA | Metering Statistics |
MSTA | Michigan Small Tech Association |
MSTA | Montana State Trapshooting Association |
MSTA | Milwaukee Substitute Teachers' Association |
MSTA | Masjid Schools Teachers Association (India) |
MSTA | Mission Services Training Activities |
MSTA | Multi Sensor Track Association |
MSTA | Marine Science and Technologies Advisory |
MSTA | Mission Support Training Activities |
MSTA | Maine State Teachers Association |
MSTA | Montana Seed Trade Association |
MSTA | Multi-Sensor Target Acquisition |
MSTA | Mejoramiento de la Salud del Trabajador Agricola |
MSTA | Materials and Structures Technology Area |
MSTA | Multi-State Tax Analyzer |