OCMOcean City, Maryland
OCMOrganist and Choirmaster
OCMOcean Circulation Model
OCMOrganizational Change Management
OCMOrganization Change Management
OCMOrdinary Council Meeting
OCMOperational Change Management
OCMOxidative Coupling of Methane
OCMOlympic Council of Malaysia
OCMOsterweis Capital Management (est. 1983; Milwaukee, WI)
OCMOracle Certified Master (database administrator certification)
OCMOld Colony Memorial (Plymouth, MA)
OCMOutsourcing Contract Management
OCMOperations Centre Manager
OCMOptical Channel Monitor
OCMOperating Committee Meeting
OCMOrganization for Competitive Markets
OCMOn-Camera Meteorologist (The Weather Channel)
OCMOptical Countermeasures
OCMOven Control Module
OCMOutreach Community Ministries (Illinois)
OCMOcean Colour Monitor (oceanographic data collection instrument)
OCMOnline Cash Management
OCMOracle Content Management
OCMOracle Certified Master
OCMOracle Connection Manager
OCMOptional Component Manager
OCMOperation Control Manager
OCMObject Configuration Management (computing)
OCMOrder Change Management
OCMObsolete Computer Museum (est. 1995; website)
OCMOversea Chinese Mission (New York, NY)
OCMOlimpiadas Colombianas de Matemáticas (Colombia)
OCMOil Content Monitor
OCMOnondaga Cortland Madison (counties in New York)
OCMOil Cleansing Method (cosmetics)
OCMOutlines in Clinical Medicine (medical resource)
OCMOffshore Customer Management
OCMOffice of Conflict Management (various organizations)
OCMOnline Clearance Monitor (medical equipment)
OCMOriental Chain Manufacturing (Japan)
OCMOffice of Crisis Management (US FDA)
OCMOriginal Component Manufacturer
OCMOptical Channel Multiplexer
OCMOhio College of Massotherapy (Akron, OH)
OCMOn Condition Maintenance
OCMOffice of Coastal Management (Louisiana)
OCMOnline Corrosion Monitoring (water pipes)
OCMOffice of Compliance Monitoring
OCMOrbit Correction Maneuver (US NASA)
OCMOperating Capability Maintenance
OCMOperations Cost Model
OCMOrihuela Costa Magazine
OCMOverride Control Mode
OCMOperator Configuration Message
OCMOrder of Crescent Moon (Odyssey Classic guild)
OCMOcean Color Mission
OCMOutgoing Communications Manager (US Navy)
OCMOfficer Career Management (US and Australia)
OCMOperational Change Memorandum
OCMOperating Curve Management
OCMOrganization Computer Manager
OCMOrange County Materials (OCM Test Laboratories, Inc.)
OCMOswal Cloth Mills
OCMOhio Columbus Mission (LDS church)
OCMOperational Coordination Message
OCMOrganizational Configuration Management
OCMOverhead Costing Module
OCMOnline Curriculum Manager (DeVry, Inc.)
OCMOrbital Conjunction Message (US NASA)
OCMOffshore Construction Manager (gas and oil)
OCMOutlook Calendar Meeting (Microsoft Outlook)
OCMOuter Carton Mark
OCMOral Contraceptive Medication