NCLTNational Company Law Tribunal (India)
NCLTNational Center for Learning and Teaching
NCLTNorthern California Land Trust
NCLTNorthern California Land Trust (founded 1973)
NCLTNon Circulating Legal Tender
NCLTNevada County Land Trust
NCLTNational Center for Learning and Teaching in Nanoscale Science and Engineering
NCLTNational Centre for Language Technology (Ireland)
NCLTNorthern Communities Land Trust (Duluth, MN, USA)
NCLTNational Centre for Language Training (Australia)
NCLTNapa County Land Trust (California)
NCLTNorthern Connecticut Land Trust
NCLTNorth Camden Land Trust
NCLTNational Center of Laser Technology (Beijing, China)
NCLTNational Council for Liberties in Tunisia
NCLTNight Carrier Landing Trainer (US Navy)
NCLTNear Center Line Thrust
NCLTNational Center for Laser Technology (Vietnam)
NCLTNephrology Consult Letter Template