Acronym | Definition |
NCM | National Corvette Museum (Bowling Green, Kentucky) |
NCM | National CineMedia LLC |
NCM | Network Configuration Manager |
NCM | Network Compliance Manager |
NCM | Novell Client Module |
NCM | Novell Configuration Manager |
NCM | Network Connectivity Monitor |
NCM | Number of Classes Having Methods |
NCM | Network Configuration Management |
NCM | National Council Meeting (various organizations) |
NCM | New Christian Music (UK) |
NCM | Nordic Council of Ministers |
NCM | National City Mortgage (Ohio) |
NCM | Network Compliance Manager (software) |
NCM | Nomenclatura Común del Mercosur |
NCM | New California Media |
NCM | National Children's Museum (Washington, DC) |
NCM | Nurse Case Manager |
NCM | Non-Commissioned Member (Canadian Military) |
NCM | Nagasaki Cable Media (Japan) |
NCM | North Coast Music (Cudahy, WI) |
NCM | Navy Commendation Medal |
NCM | Nederlandsche Credietverzekering Maatschappij |
NCM | National Center for Men |
NCM | National Coordinating Mechanism (various organizations) |
NCM | National Collectors Mint (Port Chester, NY) |
NCM | Natural Color Matrix |
NCM | Neurocutaneous Melanosis |
NCM | National Cryptologic Museum |
NCM | Nomura Capital Markets PLC (UK) |
NCM | Necanicum (Amtrak station code; Necanicum Jct., OR) |
NCM | Non Clearing Member (financial exchange) |
NCM | Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc. |
NCM | Normal Cubic Meter |
NCM | Noise Correlation Matrix |
NCM | Nextel Connection Manager (software) |
NCM | Non Conforming Material |
NCM | New Consonant Music (publication) |
NCM | Natural Complementary Medicine (Arlington Heights, IL) |
NCM | Navigational Conceptual Model (computing) |
NCM | National Coal Model |
NCM | National Congress of Mothers (now Parent Teacher Association) |
NCM | National College of Music (UK) |
NCM | Neuronal Conditioned Medium (medical treatment) |
NCM | Nonrated Crewmember |
NCM | National Cowboy Museum (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) |
NCM | Numerical Conformal Mapping |
NCM | New Commercial Model (pharmaceutical industry) |
NCM | Notice of Commencement of Manufacture |
NCM | Noise-Cancelling Microphone |
NCM | Net Contribution Margin |
NCM | National Coastal Monitoring |
NCM | Net Control Master |
NCM | Number of Children Modules |
NCM | Network Country Manager |
NCM | Numerically Controlled Mill (computer-controlled milling/lathing/drilling/etc. machine) |
NCM | Network Computer Model |
NCM | Nostro Cash Manager |