NCMANational Contract Management Association
NCMANational Concrete Masonry Association
NCMANational Center for Missing Adults
NCMANational Childminding Association
NCMANorth Carolina Museum of Art
NCMANational Catalog Managers Association
NCMANon-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (Workshop)
NCMANational Center for Marine Algae and Microbiota (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences; East Boothbay, ME)
NCMANassau County Museum of Art
NCMANorth Carolina Motorsports Association
NCMANational Child Minding Association (UK)
NCMANiche Cruise Marketing Alliance
NCMANorth Central Municipal Association
NCMANational Cadastre and Mapping Agency (Greece)
NCMANational Certified Medical Assistant
NCMANational Campus Ministry Association
NCMANorthern California Marine Association
NCMANorth Carolina Movers Association
NCMANorthern California Modified Association
NCMANational College of Martial Arts
NCMANorthern California Mineralogical Association
NCMANaval Civilian Managers Association
NCMANational Capital Mustang Association (Ontario, Canada)
NCMANorth Central Marine Association
NCMANational Command and Military Authorities
NCMANational Catholic Ministerial Alliance
NCMANature Conservation Management Area (UK)
NCMANational Capital Music Academy
NCMANational Capital Music Association
NCMANorthwest Cultured Marble Association