NCNNMD (National Missile Defense) Communications Network
NCNNational Cycle Network
NCNNetware Configuration Network
NCNNew College Nottingham
NCNNo Credit Needed (blog)
NCNNazarene Communications Network (Church of the Nazarene)
NCNNorthern California and Nevada (various organizations)
NCNNetwork Communications News (UK)
NCNNational Caricaturist Network
NCNNeighborly Care Network
NCNNo Common Name
NCNNihonkai Cable Network (Japan)
NCNNonconformity Note (Lean Six Sigma)
NCNNational Communications Network, Inc (Guyana)
NCNNew Country Network (Canada)
NCNNot Considered Necessary
NCNNon-compliance Notification
NCNNevocellular Nevi
NCNNational Computer Network
NCNNATO Circuit Number
NCNNASAl Cavity Narrowing
NCNNth Phasing Maneuver