PEDPressure Equipment Directive (EU)
PEDPhysical Education
PEDPublic Education Department (New Mexico)
PEDPsychogenic Erectile Dysfunction (disorder)
PEDPrice Elasticity of Demand (economics)
PEDPIN Entry Device
PEDProject Engineering and Design
PEDPotential Energy Distribution
PEDProduction Engineering Division
PEDPreliminary Engineering Design
PEDPerformance Enhancing Drug
PEDProgram for Executive Development
PEDPrimary Education Development (program; US Agency for International Development, Pakistan)
PEDProgram Evaluation Division (Ofice of Policy, Planning and Evaluation)
PEDProgram Editor Delete
PEDPhoto Editor
PEDPlanning Environment and Development (various locations)
PEDPedorthist (healthcare footwear specialist)
PEDProtective Equipment Decontamination
PEDPrecision Engineering Division
PEDPersonal Electronic Device
PEDPyroelectric Detector
PEDPublic Education Division (various organizations)
PEDProject Entropia Dollar (gaming, MMORPG)
PEDPre-Employment Development (Canada)
PEDPhase Equilibrium Diagram
PEDPorcine Epidemic Diarrhea
PEDProject Engineering Documentation
PEDPôle Européen de Développement (French)
PEDParole Eligibility Date (UK criminal system)
PEDPigment Epithelial Detachment (age-related macular degeneration)
PEDPortable Entertainment Device
PEDParti de l'Environnement et du Développement (French: Environment and Development Party, Morocco)
PEDPeriod End Date
PEDPetroleum Exploration and Development (scientific journal)
PEDProperty/Equipment Damage
PEDPre-Construction Engineering & Design (USACE)
PEDPath-Equivalence Detector
PEDPlatform Encryption Device (US Army)
PEDParoxysmal Exercise-Induced Dystonia
PEDPhase Error Detector
PEDPayload Element Developer (NASA)
PEDProcessing, Exploitation & Dissemination
PEDPrimary Electrical Disease
PEDPersonal Entry Device
PEDPlatform Equipment Deck (NASA)
PEDProgram Element Description
PEDPre-Existing Damages
PEDPrototype Engine Demonstration
PEDPlatform Edge Door (London underground)
PEDProgram Entry Device
PEDProcurement Early Development
PEDPetition Expiration Date
PEDProgram Elements Document
PEDProgrammable Encryption Device(s)
PEDTV Term Describing Pedestal Camera Mount