PGMPine Grove Mills (Pennsylvania)
PGMPagemaker (software)
PGMPlatinum Group Metal
PGMPragmatic General Multicast
PGMProfessional Golf Management (various schools)
PGMProgram Manager
PGMPast Grand Master
PGMProbabilistic Graphical Model (mathematics)
PGMPlanning and Growth Management
PGMPlatinum Group of Metals
PGMProgram Management
PGMProfessional Graphics Monitor
PGMPortable Grayscale Map
PGMProgram Model
PGMPacific Garden Mission
PGMPortable Gray Map
PGMPaternal Grandmother
PGMProvincial Grand Master (Masons)
PGMPrecision Guided Munition
PGMPro Gamer
PGMPolicy Governance Model (various organizations)
PGMPersonal Genome Machine (DNA decoder)
PGMPunta Gorda Middle (school; Florida)
PGMPi Gamma Mu (Social Sciences Honor Society; Winfield, KS)
PGMPortable Grey Map
PGMPremière Guerre Mondiale (French: First World War)
PGMProduct Graphics Management (enterprise software)
PGMProduct Group Manager
PGMPlant General Manager (various companies)
PGMPrecision Guided Missile
PGMPoor Genetic Material (band)
PGMPolisportiva Giardini Margherita (free info service arts culture and sports)
PGMProcessing Graph Method
PGMPalmer Group Media, LLC (Boston, MA)
PGMPlasma Gasification Melting Technology
PGMPatrol Combatant Missile (Hydrofoil)
PGMPlanning Guidance Memorandum
PGMPocket GPS Manager
PGMPast Grand Matriarch (IOOF)
PGMPerformance Generation Model (engineering)
PGMPragmatic Group Multicasting
PGMPolynomial Generator Matrix
PGMPhysicians Group Management (Belleville, NJ)
PGMPrecision Ground Mapping (radar)
PGMProfit Gross Margin
PGMProgram Guidance Memorandum
PGMPokémon Gem Mine (website)
PGMPolynomial Generator Matrix/Matrices