PGPPretty Good Privacy
PGPPost Graduate Programme (India)
PGPPhysician Group Practice (Medicare)
PGPPelvic Girdle Pain
PGPPersonal Genome Project (Harvard Medical School)
PGPProtein Gene Product (pathology)
PGPProgram Parameters
PGPPaternal Grandparent (various organizations)
PGPPhysics of Geological Processes
PGPPassword Generator Protocol
PGPPretty Good Protection (encryption)
PGPPresentation of Grouped Procedures (medical imaging)
PGPPearl of Great Price
PGPProgram Parameter (File Name Extension)
PGPProcter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
PGPProcter & Gamble Productions
PGPPhosphorylated Glycoprotein (biology)
PGPPersonal Growth Plan
PGPPfizer Global Pharmaceuticals
PGPPayment Gateway Provider (electronic commerce)
PGPPre Game Poop
PGPPower Generation Plant (various locations)
PGPPro-Gun Progressive (politics)
PGPPreemptive Goal Programming
PGPPower Generation Platform
PGPPreferred Gender Pronoun (liguistics)
PGPProcedures Generation Package
PGPPast Grand Patriarch (IOOF)
PGPFundación Pequeñas Grandes Personas (Little People of Chile)
PGPPrivate Generating Plant
PGPPerforated Ground Plane
PGPPrevious Glacial Period
PGPProtected Gold Participation Unit
PGPPretty Good Pigeons
PGPParti Gabonaise du Progres (Gabonese Party for Progress)