Acronym | Definition |
OPM | Office of Personnel Management (US government; formerly Civil Service Commission) |
OPM | One Punch Man (manga) |
OPM | Operations Management |
OPM | Optical Power Meter (Bellcore) |
OPM | Other People's Money |
OPM | Opium |
OPM | Office of Policy and Management |
OPM | Operations and Procedures Manual |
OPM | Official Playstation Magazine |
OPM | Oscillations per Minute |
OPM | Original Pilipino Music |
OPM | Office of Production Management |
OPM | Orbits Per Minute |
OPM | Oracle Process Manufacturing (Oracle) |
OPM | Option Pricing Model |
OPM | Orientations of Proteins in Membranes (database) |
OPM | Optical Performance Monitoring (Alcatel) |
OPM | Owner's Project Manager (various organizations) |
OPM | Oxygen Phone Manager (software) |
OPM | Oracle Process Manufacturing |
OPM | Optimum Power Control |
OPM | Output Protection Management |
OPM | Optical Performance Monitor |
OPM | Object Properties Manager |
OPM | Oracle Property Manager |
OPM | Original Program Model |
OPM | Optical Passthru Module |
OPM | Oeuvres Pontificales Missionnaires (French: Pontifical Mission Societies) |
OPM | Office of Pest Management (Arizona) |
OPM | Out-of-Pocket Maximum (health insurance) |
OPM | Originals per Minute (printing) |
OPM | Operations Per Minute |
OPM | Operating Profit Margin (finance) |
OPM | Object-Process Methodology |
OPM | Organización Político Militar (Spanish: Military Political Organization; Paraguay) |
OPM | Organic Pest Management |
OPM | Office of Property Management (District of Columbia, USA) |
OPM | Operational Performance Management (financial monitoring) |
OPM | Office of the Program Manager |
OPM | Ongoing Performance Management (various organizations) |
OPM | Optical Power Management |
OPM | Outsourced Program Manager (various locations) |
OPM | Optical Pass-Thru Module (IBM Corp.) |
OPM | Open Proxy Monitor |
OPM | Office of Program Management |
OPM | Office of the Project Manager |
OPM | Overseas Port Management (Singapore) |
OPM | Office of Procurement Management (GSA) |
OPM | Outside Plant Module (telecommunications) |
OPM | Optical Properties Monitor |
OPM | Operations Message |
OPM | Office Procedures Manual |
OPM | Open Provenance Model (est. 2007) |
OPM | Online Papua Mouthpiece (Indonesian political movement) |
OPM | Operator Performed Maintenance |
OPM | Optimized Potential Method |
OPM | Oh, Promise Me |
OPM | Organisesi Papua Merdeka (Free West Papua Movement) |
OPM | Operational Procedures Memorandum |
OPM | FM-Operator Type M (audio synthesiser chip) |
OPM | Oregon Productivity Matrix |
OPM | Obras Públicas Municipales (Guatemala) |
OPM | Outage Performance Monitoring (Bellcore) |
OPM | Orders Per Thousand |
OPM | Operator Programming Method |
OPM | Openwave Provisioning Manager (Openwave Systems, Inc.) |
OPM | Output Protection Manager (Microsoft) |
OPM | Office of the Product Manager |
OPM | Output and Performance Measure |
OPM | Office of HM Paymaster General (UK) |
OPM | On-Line Portfolio Management |
OPM | Outpatient Pharmacy Manager |
OPM | Optical Processor Module |
OPM | Operations Performance Message (NASA) |
OPM | Ordained Pioneer Ministry/Minister (Anglican church) |
OPM | Onshore Plant Manager |
OPM | Owning Program Manager |
OPM | Oropharyngeal Membrane |