OPMOffice of Personnel Management (US government; formerly Civil Service Commission)
OPMOne Punch Man (manga)
OPMOperations Management
OPMOptical Power Meter (Bellcore)
OPMOther People's Money
OPMOffice of Policy and Management
OPMOperations and Procedures Manual
OPMOfficial Playstation Magazine
OPMOscillations per Minute
OPMOriginal Pilipino Music
OPMOffice of Production Management
OPMOrbits Per Minute
OPMOracle Process Manufacturing (Oracle)
OPMOption Pricing Model
OPMOrientations of Proteins in Membranes (database)
OPMOptical Performance Monitoring (Alcatel)
OPMOwner's Project Manager (various organizations)
OPMOxygen Phone Manager (software)
OPMOracle Process Manufacturing
OPMOptimum Power Control
OPMOutput Protection Management
OPMOptical Performance Monitor
OPMObject Properties Manager
OPMOracle Property Manager
OPMOriginal Program Model
OPMOptical Passthru Module
OPMOeuvres Pontificales Missionnaires (French: Pontifical Mission Societies)
OPMOffice of Pest Management (Arizona)
OPMOut-of-Pocket Maximum (health insurance)
OPMOriginals per Minute (printing)
OPMOperations Per Minute
OPMOperating Profit Margin (finance)
OPMObject-Process Methodology
OPMOrganización Político Militar (Spanish: Military Political Organization; Paraguay)
OPMOrganic Pest Management
OPMOffice of Property Management (District of Columbia, USA)
OPMOperational Performance Management (financial monitoring)
OPMOffice of the Program Manager
OPMOngoing Performance Management (various organizations)
OPMOptical Power Management
OPMOutsourced Program Manager (various locations)
OPMOptical Pass-Thru Module (IBM Corp.)
OPMOpen Proxy Monitor
OPMOffice of Program Management
OPMOffice of the Project Manager
OPMOverseas Port Management (Singapore)
OPMOffice of Procurement Management (GSA)
OPMOutside Plant Module (telecommunications)
OPMOptical Properties Monitor
OPMOperations Message
OPMOffice Procedures Manual
OPMOpen Provenance Model (est. 2007)
OPMOnline Papua Mouthpiece (Indonesian political movement)
OPMOperator Performed Maintenance
OPMOptimized Potential Method
OPMOh, Promise Me
OPMOrganisesi Papua Merdeka (Free West Papua Movement)
OPMOperational Procedures Memorandum
OPMFM-Operator Type M (audio synthesiser chip)
OPMOregon Productivity Matrix
OPMObras Públicas Municipales (Guatemala)
OPMOutage Performance Monitoring (Bellcore)
OPMOrders Per Thousand
OPMOperator Programming Method
OPMOpenwave Provisioning Manager (Openwave Systems, Inc.)
OPMOutput Protection Manager (Microsoft)
OPMOffice of the Product Manager
OPMOutput and Performance Measure
OPMOffice of HM Paymaster General (UK)
OPMOn-Line Portfolio Management
OPMOutpatient Pharmacy Manager
OPMOptical Processor Module
OPMOperations Performance Message (NASA)
OPMOrdained Pioneer Ministry/Minister (Anglican church)
OPMOnshore Plant Manager
OPMOwning Program Manager
OPMOropharyngeal Membrane