PNPAPhilippine National Police Academy
PNPAP-Nitrophenyl Acetate
PNPAPennsylvania Newspaper Publishers' Association
PNPAParticle and Nuclear Physics Applications
PNPAPeuples Noirs Peuples Africains
PNPAPort of Nagoya Public Aquarium (Honshu, Japan)
PNPAPacific Northwest Paralegal Association (Portland, OR)
PNPAPaging and Narrowband PCS Alliance (Personal Communications Industry Association)
PNPAPorter Novelli Public Affairs
PNPAPneumonanthe Parryi
PNPAPediatric Nurse Practitioners and Associates
PNPAPeak National Park Authority (UK)
PNPAPacific Northwest Preservation Alliance
PNPAPropose Negotiate Perform Assure
PNPAPre-Natal Protection Act
PNPAProcessing, Nanostructure, Properties, and Applications
PNPAPlug and Play Association
PNPAPinhole Nuclear Physics Apparatus