Acronym | Definition |
ORE | Oregon (old style) |
ORE | Offshore Renewable Energy (UK) |
ORE | Office of Research and Evaluation (various locations) |
ORE | Outreach to the Elderly |
ORE | Office of Religious Education (various locations) |
ORE | Other Real Estate (US bank financial statements, alternative for OREO) |
ORE | Overseas Registration Examination (UK) |
ORE | Ocean Research and Education |
ORE | Operations Research and Engineering (various locations) |
ORE | Occupational Radiation Exposure |
ORE | Observatoire de Recherché en Environnement (French) |
ORE | Observatoire Régional de l'Environnement |
ORE | Office of Regulatory Enforcement (EPA) |
ORE | Old Relationship Energy (Polyamory) |
ORE | Official Residence Expense |
ORE | Operational Readiness Evaluation/Exercise |
ORE | Output Rendering Engine |
ORE | Overhaul, Rebuild, and Exchange |
ORE | Officer Responsible for the Exercise |