PNRParc Naturel Régional (French: Regional Nature Park)
PNRParanormal Romance (literary genre)
PNRPassenger Name Record (airlines)
PNRPlace and Route (software engineering)
PNRPhilippine National Railways
PNRPhoto Noise Reduction
PNRPeak to Noise Ratio
PNRPalmtop News Reader
PNRPolicía Nacional Revolucionaria (Cuban police)
PNRPoint of No Return
PNRPrairie and Northern Region (Canada)
PNRPolymerase Chain Reaction
PNRPassive Noise Reduction
PNRPinelands National Reserve (New Jersey)
PNRProduction Non-Recurring (engineering)
PNRPolarized Neutron Reflectivity
PNRPrior Notice Required
PNRPointe Noire, Congo - Pointe Noire (Airport Code)
PNRPartner Network Recruitment
PNRPrudential Network Realty
PNRParty of the New Republic (Iraqi political group)
PNRPlug and Run
PNRPart Number Request
PNRProved Name Registration
PNRPreliminary Negotiation Reports (US Navy)
PNRPrivate Network Route
PNRPassenger Numerical Roll
PNRPassenger Number of Requisition
PNRPublication Number Request
PNRProject Narrative Report