Acronym | Definition |
PNR | Parc Naturel Régional (French: Regional Nature Park) |
PNR | Paranormal Romance (literary genre) |
PNR | Partner |
PNR | Passenger Name Record (airlines) |
PNR | Place and Route (software engineering) |
PNR | Philippine National Railways |
PNR | Photo Noise Reduction |
PNR | Peak to Noise Ratio |
PNR | Palmtop News Reader |
PNR | Policía Nacional Revolucionaria (Cuban police) |
PNR | Point of No Return |
PNR | Prairie and Northern Region (Canada) |
PNR | Polymerase Chain Reaction |
PNR | Passive Noise Reduction |
PNR | Pinelands National Reserve (New Jersey) |
PNR | Production Non-Recurring (engineering) |
PNR | Polarized Neutron Reflectivity |
PNR | Prior Notice Required |
PNR | Pointe Noire, Congo - Pointe Noire (Airport Code) |
PNR | Partner Network Recruitment |
PNR | Prudential Network Realty |
PNR | Party of the New Republic (Iraqi political group) |
PNR | Plug and Run |
PNR | Part Number Request |
PNR | Proved Name Registration |
PNR | Preliminary Negotiation Reports (US Navy) |
PNR | Private Network Route |
PNR | Passenger Numerical Roll |
PNR | Passenger Number of Requisition |
PNR | Publication Number Request |
PNR | Project Narrative Report |