Acronym | Definition |
RPE | Retinal Pigment Epithelium |
RPE | Regular Physical Education |
RPE | Rating of Perceived Exertion (exercise) |
RPE | Respiratory Protective Equipment |
RPE | Return if Parity Even |
RPE | Radio Paging Equipment |
RPE | Remote Peripheral Equipment |
RPE | Receiver Parity Error |
RPE | Registered Professional Engineer |
RPE | Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique (French: Paramagnetic Electronic Resonance) |
RPE | R-Phycoerythrin |
RPE | Restaurant Pro Express (software) |
RPE | Revenue per Email |
RPE | Regular Pulse Excitation |
RPE | Retail Price Equivalent (automobiles) |
RPE | Règles Pénitentiaires Européennes (French: European Prison Rules) |
RPE | Rapid Palatal Expansion (medical device used in dentistry to expand the palate) |
RPE | Rules of Procedure and Evidence (International Criminal Court) |
RPE | Revenue per Employee (financial management ratio) |
RPE | RPE, Inc. (not an acronym; formerly Russet Potato Exchange; Bancroft, WI) |
RPE | Réserve Pays Emergents (French: Emerging Country Reserve; intergovernmental loan) |
RPE | Radiation Pattern Envelope (antenna gain pattern characteristic) |
RPE | Rapid Prototyping Environment |
RPE | Revêtement Plastique Epais (French: Thick Plastic Coating) |
RPE | Raid Provence Extrème (French bicycle tour) |
RPE | Reliability Project Engineer (various companies) |
RPE | Rocket Propulsion Establishment (UK) |
RPE | Reward Prediction Error (neurology) |
RPE | Relative Pointing Error (engineering) |
RPE | Resume Producing Event (industry slang) |
RPE | Recreational Power Engineering (aircraft engine manufacturer; Tiffin, OH) |
RPE | Remote Program Execution |
RPE | Royal Penguin Empire (gaming group) |
RPE | Range Probable Error |
RPE | Request for Product Enhancement |
RPE | Réseau Petite Enfance (French: Early Childhood Network) |
RPE | Receive, Process & Exploit |
RPE | Rating/Rate of Perceived Exertion |
RPE | Rectangular Pixel Encoding |
RPE | Recursive Pseudo-Exhaustive |
RPE | Repair Parts Estimate |
RPE | Related Payroll Expense |
RPE | Receiver Performance Evaluation |