RPERetinal Pigment Epithelium
RPERegular Physical Education
RPERating of Perceived Exertion (exercise)
RPERespiratory Protective Equipment
RPEReturn if Parity Even
RPERadio Paging Equipment
RPERemote Peripheral Equipment
RPEReceiver Parity Error
RPERegistered Professional Engineer
RPERésonance Paramagnétique Electronique (French: Paramagnetic Electronic Resonance)
RPERestaurant Pro Express (software)
RPERevenue per Email
RPERegular Pulse Excitation
RPERetail Price Equivalent (automobiles)
RPERègles Pénitentiaires Européennes (French: European Prison Rules)
RPERapid Palatal Expansion (medical device used in dentistry to expand the palate)
RPERules of Procedure and Evidence (International Criminal Court)
RPERevenue per Employee (financial management ratio)
RPERPE, Inc. (not an acronym; formerly Russet Potato Exchange; Bancroft, WI)
RPERéserve Pays Emergents (French: Emerging Country Reserve; intergovernmental loan)
RPERadiation Pattern Envelope (antenna gain pattern characteristic)
RPERapid Prototyping Environment
RPERevêtement Plastique Epais (French: Thick Plastic Coating)
RPERaid Provence Extrème (French bicycle tour)
RPEReliability Project Engineer (various companies)
RPERocket Propulsion Establishment (UK)
RPEReward Prediction Error (neurology)
RPERelative Pointing Error (engineering)
RPEResume Producing Event (industry slang)
RPERecreational Power Engineering (aircraft engine manufacturer; Tiffin, OH)
RPERemote Program Execution
RPERoyal Penguin Empire (gaming group)
RPERange Probable Error
RPERequest for Product Enhancement
RPERéseau Petite Enfance (French: Early Childhood Network)
RPEReceive, Process & Exploit
RPERating/Rate of Perceived Exertion
RPERectangular Pixel Encoding
RPERecursive Pseudo-Exhaustive
RPERepair Parts Estimate
RPERelated Payroll Expense
RPEReceiver Performance Evaluation