OMSOrganisation Mondiale de la Santé (World Health Organization)
OMSOrganización Mundial de la Salud
OMSOrganização Mundial de Saúde
OMSOmsk (Russia)
OMSOffender Management System (Correctional Services Canada)
OMSOral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
OMSOrder Management System
OMSOffice Management Specialist
OMSOperations Management System
OMSOh My Stars
OMSOffice of Mobile Sources
OMSOracle Management Server
OMSOrbital Maneuvering System
OMSOrganic Mass Spectrometry
OMSObject Management System
OMSOperations and Maintenance Services
OMSOffice of Museum Services (various organizations)
OMSOxford Management Services (Fort Pierce, FL)
OMSOutage Management System
OMSOrder Management Solution (software)
OMSOffice Mail Server
OMSOpen Vms Management Station
OMSOracle Management System
OMSOnline Music Stores
OMSOnline Merchandise Sales
OMSOpen Media Streaming
OMSOpen Music System
OMSOffice of Multicultural Services (various organizations)
OMSOnline Marketing Summit (various locations)
OMSOpel Motor Sport
OMSOptical Management System (TeraBurst Networks)
OMSOne Minute Silence (UK band)
OMSOrientation and Mobility Specialist (healthcare)
OMSOrganisation Mondiale pour la Santé (French: World Health Organization)
OMSOffboard Mission Support (Joint Strike Fighter)
OMSOffice of Migrant Services (California)
OMSOnboard Maintenance System (aircraft)
OMSOptical Multiplex Section
OMSOlympia Middle School (Stanford, IL)
OMSOutlook Mobile Service (Microsoft Outlook 2007)
OMSOptical Measuring System (fiber optics; various companies)
OMSOrganizzazione Mondiale Per La Sanità (Italy)
OMSOperation Management Service
OMSOrder Management Software
OMSOoltewah Middle School (Ooltewah, TN)
OMSOccupational Medical Service
OMSOrganizational Maintenance Shop
OMSOllivier Middle School (California)
OMSOptimal Management Strategy
OMSOptical Mouse Sensor
OMSOpen Management System
OMSOld Member State (EU)
OMSObject Model System (object-oriented data management system developed within GlobIS at ETH Zurich)
OMSOrganizational Maintenance Squadron (USAF)
OMSOtwell Middle School (Cumming, GA)
OMSOdorless Mineral Spirits
OMSOsteopathic Medical Student
OMSOperational Method Sheet
OMSOver My Shoulder
OMSOracle Media Server
OMSOrganic Mental Syndrome (neurological disorder)
OMSOregon Mycological Society
OMSOffshore Medical Services
OMSOctahedral Molecular Sieve
OMSOperational Mode Summary
OMSOperations and Marine Safety
OMSOperation and Maintenance Subsystem
OMSOutput Per Man-Shift (mining)
OMSObservatory Monitoring System
OMSOrbital Maintenance System
OMSOh My Science
OMSOttoson Middle School (Arlington, Massachusetts, USA)
OMSOffshore Marine Services, Ltd. (various locations)
OMSOhio Mushroom Society (Granville, Ohio)
OMSOtitis Media Susceptibility
OMSOrdnance Management System
OMSOptically Modulated Scatterer
OMSOnline Mass Storage
OMSOla Middle School (McDonough, Georgia)
OMSOptimum Mode Selection
OMSOverseas Mission Society
OMSOptimum Mass System (tennis racket)
OMSOperational Management Specialist (United Parcel Service)
OMSOrganic Matter Solubles
OMSOperating Measurement System
OMSOrganisation Main Secrète (French)
OMSOperational Mission Scenario
OMSOrganizational Management Study