Acronym | Definition |
ONA | Ontario (Amtrak station code; Ontario, CA) |
ONA | Online News Association (Washington, DC) |
ONA | Overseas News Agency (UK) |
ONA | Open Network Architecture |
ONA | One Number Access |
ONA | Online Network Access |
ONA | Open-Network Architecture |
ONA | Ontario Nurses Association |
ONA | Open and Affirming |
ONA | Office of National Assessments (Australia) |
ONA | Ohio Nurses Association |
ONA | Oregon Nurses Association |
ONA | Overseas National Airways (1950-1978) |
ONA | Other Needs Assistance (US FEMA program) |
ONA | Oklahoma Nurses Association |
ONA | Open Network Access (mobile communications) |
ONA | Operational Net Assessment |
ONA | Office of Net Assessment |
ONA | Order of the Nine Angles (Satanism) |
ONA | Outreach to New Americans (National Crime Prevention Council, Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Office of Refugee Resettlement) |
ONA | Organizational Needs Assessment (Canada) |
ONA | Optimum Natural Arrangements (landscape contract business; Sequim, WA) |
ONA | Original Net Anime |
ONA | On-Line Archive |
ONA | Ocicats of North America (various locations) |
ONA | Orienteering North America (magazine) |
ONA | Outreach North America (Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church) |
ONA | Of New Astronomy (apparel company) |
ONA | Optical Network Architecture |
ONA | OSI Network Address |
ONA | Omnium North Africa |
ONA | Optimal Nutritional Allowance |
ONA | Office of Negotiations and Agreements (Foreign Agricultural Service, United States Department of Agriculture) |
ONA | Onsite Network Administrator |
ONA | Onondaga Numismatic Association |
ONA | Office of Network Administration |