PICSPublic Interest and Community Service (Morgan Lewis law firm)
PICSProtocol Implementation Conformance Statement(s)
PICSPlatform for Internet Content Selection
PICSPlug-in Inventory Control System
PICSPlan Information Control System
PICSProtocol Implementation Conformance Statement
PICSPhilippine Internet Commerce Society
PICSPersonal Injuries Civilians Scheme (UK)
PICSPennsylvania Instant Check System (firearms screening database)
PICSProgrammes Internationaux de Coopération Scientifique (French)
PICSPharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme
PICSProfile Implementation Conformance Statement(s)
PICSPacific Industrial Contractor Screening
PICSPrinting Industry Competitiveness Scheme (Australia)
PICSParts Inventory Control System
PICSProtocol Information Conformance Statement
PICSPlatform-Independent Content Rating Scheme
PICSProject Item Coding System (Colorado Department of Transportation)
PICSPunjab Institute of Computer Sciences (Lahore, Pakistan)
PICSPassword Issuance and Control System (US Department of Homeland Security)
PICSProgrammable Industrial Control Simulation
PICSProcess Instrumentation and Control System
PICSParent Interview for Child Symptoms (behavioral science)
PICSPatent Image Capture System
PICSProgressive Inter-Cultural Community Services Society (est. 1987; British Columbia, Canada)
PICSParliamentary Investigatory Committee on Sects (Belgium)
PICSPersonal Computer Image Communications System
PICSPersonal Computer Instructional System
PICSProviders' Integrated Client System (Pellcomp Software Ltd., UK)
PICSPlugin Inventory and Control System
PICSPrimary Inter-LATA Carrier System
PICSProtocol Interface Compliance Statement
PICSPulsed Image Converter System
PICSPolicy Information Capture System
PICSPediatric and Adult Interventional Cardiology