Acronym | Definition |
PCE | path computation element |
PCE | Partido Comunista de Espana (Communist Party of Spain) |
PCE | Personal Consumption Expenditures |
PCE | Professional Continuing Education |
PCE | Perchloroethylene (CAS Number 127-18-4) |
PCE | Process Control Equipment (various locations) |
PCE | Processor Controller Element |
PCE | Package Collection Editor |
PCE | Phase Corrected Equalizer |
PCE | Presentation Connection Endpoint |
PCE | Portable Computing Environment |
PCE | Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (New Zealand) |
PCE | Physical Capacity Evaluation (physical therapy) |
PCE | Pyrometric Cone Equivalent |
PCE | Programmatic Categorical Exclusion (various organizations) |
PCE | Power Conversion Efficiency (electronics) |
PCE | Pollution Control Equipment |
PCE | Pure Consciousness Event (psychology) |
PCE | Price Comparison Engine |
PCE | Professional and Community Education (various schools) |
PCE | Permitting, Compliance and Enforcement (various locations) |
PCE | Peru, Colombia, Ecuador |
PCE | Process Control Engineering |
PCE | Parents for Choice in Education (Utah) |
PCE | Psychologie Cognitive et Ergonomique (French: Cognitive Psychology and Ergonomics) |
PCE | Pseudocholinesterase (enzyme) |
PCE | Protective Clothing and Equipment |
PCE | Perchloroethane (aka tetrachloroethane) |
PCE | Pattern Class Extension |
PCE | Patient Care Evaluation |
PCE | Patrol Escort |
PCE | Polymers Center of Excellence |
PCE | Post-Conflict Environment |
PCE | Project Cost Estimate (USACE) |
PCE | Preliminary Cost Estimate |
PCE | Primary Constituent Element (species survival) |
PCE | Perez Consulting Engineers (McAllen, TX) |
PCE | Private Character Editor |
PCE | Pre-existing Condition Exclusion (health insurance) |
PCE | Process Centered Environment |
PCE | Personal Computing Environment |
PCE | Power Control Error |
PCE | Professional Competency Examination |
PCE | Peak-To-Correlation Energy |
PCE | Partial Compliance Evaluation |
PCE | Power Conditioning Equipment |
PCE | Pork Chop Express (gaming clan) |
PCE | Parametric Cost Estimating |
PCE | Program Cost Estimate |
PCE | Power Control Electronics |
PCE | Power Conversion Equipment |
PCE | Power Conversion Electronics |
PCE | Potential Compensable Event |
PCE | Particulate Control Experiment |
PCE | Permanent Channel Easement |
PCE | Payload Control Electronics |
PCE | Path Characteristics Estimation |
PCE | Price to Cash Earnings |
PCE | Para Club Elsenborn (skydiving club) |
PCE | Priority-based Control Engineering (Dublin, OH) |
PCE | Portable Cryptologic Equipment |
PCE | Process Communications Engineer |
PCE | PLRS Communications Enhancement |
PCE | Profit-Center Earnings |
PCE | Pre-Code Only |
PCE | Porsche Club of Estonia |
PCE | Primary Control Element |
PCE | Percent Competition Exceeded |
PCE | Preliminary Combat Entity |
PCE | Prechambered Explosive |
PCE | Pure Concentrated Evil (Internet slang) |