PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect (personal computer bus)
PCIPayment Card Industry (MasterCard data security standard)
PCIProperty Casualty Insurers
PCIPercutaneous Coronary Intervention
PCIPer Capita Income
PCIProject Concern International
PCIPrestressed Concrete Institute
PCIParent Coaching Institute (Bellevue, WA)
PCIPrecast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (Chicago, Illinois)
PCIPrecast Concrete Institute (Chicago, IL)
PCIPrivate Cloud Infrastructure (computing)
PCIPartito Comunista Italiano (Italian Communist Party)
PCIPlug-in Card, Interface (computing)
PCIPeripheral Component Interface (less common)
PCIPneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis (disease)
PCIPavement Condition Index
PCIPost Carbon Institute (Santa Rosa, CA)
PCIProducts from Intel
PCIPeritoneal Cancer Index (oncology)
PCIPlanex Communications Inc
PCIProject of Common Interest (EU)
PCIPharmacy Council of India
PCIProtocol Control Information
PCIProfessional Certified Investigator
PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect
PCIProgram Control Information
PCIPower Control Interface
PCIPayment Card Industry
PCIProphylactic Cranial Irradiation
PCIPrimary Care Initiative (various organizations)
PCIPouvoir Calorifique Inférieur (French: Lower Heating Value; fuel property)
PCIPrinted Copy of Information (Ohio)
PCIPost-Collision Interaction (physics)
PCIPerpheral Controller Interface (computing)
PCIProfessional Certified Investigator (American Society for Industrial Security)
PCIPulverized Coal Injection
PCIPC Innovations (various locations)
PCIPanhellenic Conference on Informatics
PCIPowder Coating Institute
PCIPresbyterian Church in Ireland
PCIPepsi-Cola International
PCIPress Council of India
PCIPersonal Computer Interface
PCIPacific Consultants International
PCIPrivate Consumption Index (Thailand)
PCIPopulation Communications International
PCIPalm Computing, Inc. (est. 1992)
PCIPersonal Conflicts of Interest
PCIPalestinian Citizens of Israel
PCIPeriodical Contents Index
PCIPreço Sob Cotação Na Importação (Brazilian transfer pricing method)
PCIPalliative Care Institute (various locations)
PCIPer Column Inch (classified ads)
PCIPhysiological Cost Index
PCIPlacental Cord Insertion (obstetrics)
PCIProgressive Concepts, Inc. (various locations)
PCIPhotochemical Internalization (drug delivery technology)
PCIProfessional Careers Institute
PCIProcess Capability Index
PCIPrivate Company Index
PCIPacific Coast Intercollegiate
PCIPost Consult International (est. 1997; Dublin, Ireland)
PCIProgrammable Communications Interface
PCIPre-Conference Institute
PCIPennsylvania Correctional Industries (penal system)
PCIPre-Combat Inspections
PCIPower Control Interface (IBM)
PCIPortable Church Industries (Troy, MI)
PCIPrice Cap Index
PCIPhase Code Interval (telecommunications)
PCIPrivate Corrections Institute (Tallahassee, FL)
PCIPolymers, Coatings and Inks (Cognis)
PCIPassive Component Industry
PCIPower Costs, Inc. (Norman, OK)
PCIPlanning Consultants, Inc.
PCIPatient Chart Information
PCIProfessional Consultants, Inc.
PCIPotential Change Item (construction)
PCIPersonal Credit Index
PCIPellet-Clad Interaction
PCIPellet Cladding Interaction
PCIPanel Call Indicator
PCIProcess Control Instrument
PCIPest Control India Pvt. Ltd. (est. 1954)
PCIParamore Consulting, Inc.
PCIPresentation Context Identifier
PCIPalliative Care Initiative (healthcare)
PCIPressure Composition Isotherms (hydrogen storage materials research)
PCIPersonal Communications Interface
PCIProtocol Capability Indicator
PCIProgram-Controlled Interrupt
PCIPhysico-Chimie Informatique
PCIPower Contractors, Inc.
PCIPrix de Cession Interne (French: Transfer Pricing)
PCIPrice Consumer Index
PCIPavement Consultants Inc.
PCIProgrammed Composites Inc.
PCIPrincipal Components Inverse
PCIProcess Control Integration (industrial automation)
PCIPlasma Cell Infiltration
PCIProtocol Control Indicator (ITU-T)
PCIPerformance Consultants, Inc.
PCIPharmaceutical Council of India
PCIProtech Communications Inc.
PCIPilots for Christ International, Inc.
PCIPersonal Communications Internetworking (Bellcore)
PCIParamount Construction, Inc. (Delavan, WI)
PCIParty Concepts, Inc.
PCIPersonal Computer Integration
PCIPassenger Convenience Items (air travel)
PCIProduct Configuration Identification/Item
PCIPerfect Computing Inc (Boise, Idaho)
PCIProof of Concept Initiative
PCIPellet-Cladding Interface (nuclear industry)
PCIPersonal Contact Item (Canada Post)
PCIPhysical Configuration Identification
PCIProperty Condition Index (Australia)
PCIPhoto Thermal Common Path Interferometer
PCIPeriodic Conformance Inspection
PCIPowdered Coal Injection (metallurgy industry)
PCIProcurement Control Identifier
PCIPhase Compensation Instability
PCIPower Cutting Incorporated
PCIPowertrain Control Interface
PCIPolice and Criminal Investigation (UK)
PCIPercent Common Interest (real estate)
PCIPhysical Crisis Intervention
PCIPulse Current Injection
PCIPainting and Coatings Industry
PCIProduction Control Interface
PCIPremisys Communication Inc.
PCIPhysical Configuration Item
PCIPerturbative Configuration Interaction
PCIPrime Computer Incorporated
PCIPost-Cruise Inspection (NAVAIR)
PCIProfessional Computer Integration
PCIPlastic Card Industries
PCIPhone Centre Interface
PCIPlymouth Cordage Industries, Inc. (Plymouth, MA)