Acronym | Definition |
OSM | OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Sales Manager |
OSM | Open Street Map |
OSM | Office of Surface Mining (US government) |
OSM | Openstreetmap (free editable online world map) |
OSM | On Site Management (various locations) |
OSM | Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal (French: Montreal Symphonic Orchestra) |
OSM | Occupational Safety Management (various organizations) |
OSM | Open Source Matters |
OSM | Oncostatin M |
OSM | Order and Service Management (Oracle) |
OSM | Output Switch Matrix |
OSM | Object Space Modifier |
OSM | Off Screen Model |
OSM | Outlook Security Manager |
OSM | Out of Sequence Mode |
OSM | Optical Scroll Mouse |
OSM | Operating System Memory |
OSM | Original Storage Manufacturer |
OSM | Open Source Middleware |
OSM | Optiswitch Master |
OSM | Online System Manager |
OSM | Optical Storage Manager |
OSM | Optical Services Module |
OSM | on Site Maintenance |
OSM | Open Source Migrations |
OSM | Open Study Model (Honda) |
OSM | Off-Site Manufacturing |
OSM | One Saturday Morning (TV program) |
OSM | Osmol |
OSM | Operating Systems and Middleware (computing) |
OSM | On Screen Menu |
OSM | Outsourced Sales and Marketing |
OSM | Oregon Steel Mills, Inc. |
OSM | Office of Spectrum Management |
OSM | Ons Soort Mensen (Dutch: people like us; opposite of VN) |
OSM | Optical Switch Module |
OSM | Operational Service Medal (UK) |
OSM | Organisation Science and Marketing (various locations) |
OSM | Operations Support Manager |
OSM | Optical Service Module (Cisco Systems) |
OSM | Order of St. Michael (chivalric order) |
OSM | One Square Meal (Brand) |
OSM | Order of the Secret Monitor |
OSM | Operating System Service Module |
OSM | Orchid Society of Minnesota |
OSM | Overseas Students Mission (Charlottesville, VA) |
OSM | Object System Mapping |
OSM | Of Smoke And Mirrors (band) |
OSM | Oil, Smoke and Mirrors (movie on 911 and Peak Oil) |
OSM | Output Space Mapping |
OSM | Omni Spectra, M/A-Com (Rf Connector) |
OSM | Oceanographic Society of Maldives |
OSM | Office Space Management |
OSM | Off-Site Meeting |
OSM | Order of the Servants of Mary, Servites (religious order) |
OSM | Office of Safety Management |
OSM | The Original SoupMan (Staten Island, NY; est. 1984) |
OSM | Optical Service Manager (Lucent) |
OSM | Optical Strength Meter |
OSM | Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (NASA) |
OSM | Output Signal Management |
OSM | Operating System Manual |
OSM | Optical Selector Mechanism |
OSM | Optical Surveillance Measure |
OSM | Ordinis Servorum/Servarum Mariae (Latin: Order of Servants of Mary) |
OSM | Oral Satisfaction Market |
OSM | Operations Support Medical |
OSM | Operating Speed Model |
OSM | Operational Satcom Manager |